New graphics card rx 480. Black screen restart while gaming. Help


Apr 5, 2014
Hello, so i upgraded my gpu from r9 270x sapphire 4gb to rx 480 sapphire nitro 8 gb 1342 mhz. Now after abut 5 minutes of bf1 or the Witcher 3 my computer screen goes black and restarts.

I have 3 ideas of what it could be, please help me solve the issue.

1) my ultra lsp 550 psu is kicking into over current protection or some protection mode.

2) A driver issue, (i uninstalled and reinstalled using an uninstall tool), And am up to date.

3) i have a defective card even though it runs great until it reboots.

My take: I think its the psu. I am using a 6 pin to 8 pin connector adapter for the gpu, And have an overclocked fx 8320. My previous gpu apparently draws more watts than the new 480, although maybe taking the power from a 6 pin is the issue?

Please let me know if a sudden black screen and a restart is a sign of psu issues. It does not shut off completely, it restarts on its own

let me know if you have some tests i can try or a solution to the problem thanks.
hi, thanks for the reply. It does not occur with the r9 270x. I ended up under-clocking, volting and lowering power limit on the card and it lowered the wattage consumed by the gpu from 200 to 120. With these settings I got through a whole game of bf1 and no restarts. (before it would black screen within min.

This leads me to believe it is not the drivers. It is either the psu or the gpu is defective. I noticed that the vrm input voltage dropped as low as 11.28 and only went up to 11.9v with an average of 11.5v. Im not sure if this would cause my problem but I heard the voltage shjould not fluctuate by more than 5%. So this could be part of the issue.

Tomorrow Im going to get a new psu, i dont plan on cheaping out and would like to spend 100$. Any suggestions are welcomed.

I will update if the new psu fixes the issue, iit appears that the psu may be responsible.

I hope the psu is the problem because this gpu was running 1400mhz on the core and 2300 memory on stock voltage. Seemed pretty stable on unigine valley so seems to be a good overclocker.


yea try with a new PSU, but do not cheap out on it, get one from a reputable brand
so i got a new psu, a corsair cx650m works great and provides much more stable voltage. Although, the issue was not the psu. it was the overclock settings I had. The gpu runs great on stock bios. I hope this answer helps anyone who runs into the same issue i had. Not sure why the oc worked good with the 270x.

alright good to hear :)