New Graphics Card


Jan 24, 2018
So I have a decent computer, but my graphics card is default, unupdated, and pretty trash. Here’s my specs:

Intel Core I5-2390T
8.0 GB RAM
AMD Radeon HD 6450
(Windows 7, 64bit)

Basically, what I want is a new graphics card. The game I am trying to play is Fortnite, and I get 20-30 FPS on completely low/turned off settings. I have a certain graphics card in mind: Nvidia GeForce 1050ti 4GB. I want to know if my computer can both physically fit it in my computer, and if my computer can handle it. I’m not the best with computers, so I would appreciate it if whoever answers could attempt to talk as simply as possible. Thanks in advance!
You forgot to mention the make and model of your PSU as well as it's age. Make and model of your motherboard is also important and the airflow in your chassis. Please list them. The GTX1050Ti 4GB should drop in but it'd be a good thing to double-check on our end.