I recently just bought a Hydro Copper gtx 780 and installed it yesterday and all the watercooling stuff. Everything is working fine I get done leak testing so I decide to connect everything & manage cables. I connected my HDMI cable to my 780 and turn my pc on. Everything is running fine , no beeps , flashes , weird noises.. nothing. But there is no display on my monitor , I think I may be having issues with the PCI-e connectors. I am using my 6 pin & (6 +2) pin connectors from my PSU because I was having issues with the ones that came with the GPU. Actually I tried the ones that came with it but they didn't work so I tried my PSU connectors and I am still getting no display. Is there something else I need to connect? Please let me know! Maybe it's something very simple I am missing. I have a feeling it is. Btw a day ago everything was working fine , so I don't think its a ram issue or anything like that. Everything runs smoothly I just simply don't get a display.
If you're interested in the rest of my specs :
XFX Pro650W
i7 3770k
16GB Corsair Ram
ASRock z68 Extreme3 motherboard
Btw I have searched not only on this site but others before I decided to post. None seemed to 100% fit my problem.
Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thank you
If you're interested in the rest of my specs :
XFX Pro650W
i7 3770k
16GB Corsair Ram
ASRock z68 Extreme3 motherboard
Btw I have searched not only on this site but others before I decided to post. None seemed to 100% fit my problem.
Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thank you