New GTX 780 won't display?


Dec 19, 2013
I recently just bought a Hydro Copper gtx 780 and installed it yesterday and all the watercooling stuff. Everything is working fine I get done leak testing so I decide to connect everything & manage cables. I connected my HDMI cable to my 780 and turn my pc on. Everything is running fine , no beeps , flashes , weird noises.. nothing. But there is no display on my monitor , I think I may be having issues with the PCI-e connectors. I am using my 6 pin & (6 +2) pin connectors from my PSU because I was having issues with the ones that came with the GPU. Actually I tried the ones that came with it but they didn't work so I tried my PSU connectors and I am still getting no display. Is there something else I need to connect? Please let me know! Maybe it's something very simple I am missing. I have a feeling it is. Btw a day ago everything was working fine , so I don't think its a ram issue or anything like that. Everything runs smoothly I just simply don't get a display.

If you're interested in the rest of my specs :

XFX Pro650W
i7 3770k
16GB Corsair Ram
ASRock z68 Extreme3 motherboard

Btw I have searched not only on this site but others before I decided to post. None seemed to 100% fit my problem.

Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thank you :)
At least you know that the rest of the system is fine. When you put the GPU back in I would still try booting with the internal graphics enabled. That way you can check if the card is recognized (in Device Manager if using Windows). It could just be a driver conflict; these things are supposed to work transparently(pun not intended), but it doesn't always go like that.
I would try booting with the on-board graphics and making sure that all old drivers are deleted. That will eliminate all but the graphics card and you should then at least be able to tell if the hardware is being recognized or not; you can install the new drivers if it is and see what happens on next boot. The connectors you are using shouldn't be a problem (I would use the 6- and 8-pin ones directly from the PSU), and it's a good PSU which is obviously up to the job.

Last time I had this sort of problem I talked it through with my suppliers help staff and we concluded that it was a faulty card (it happens). A replacement worked first time.
At least you know that the rest of the system is fine. When you put the GPU back in I would still try booting with the internal graphics enabled. That way you can check if the card is recognized (in Device Manager if using Windows). It could just be a driver conflict; these things are supposed to work transparently(pun not intended), but it doesn't always go like that.
thank you so much that was it! I should have uninstalled my AMD drivers before I took everything apart! thanks again! I've been trying to figure this out for hours lol.
My GTX 780 is not being detected in my Device Manager. My old HD 7850 is recognized. But not the GTX 780 in the PCIe slot above it. I have tried a 600w Coolermaster PSU. It has two 12v rails that max at 18A. I dont believe that PSU has enough voltage my 780. Anyway, I got the same result as my 1000w Lightning. The 780s fans would spin and the lights would flash but nothing would display.

Fx 8320
Rosewill 1000w Lightning
Gigabyte 990FXA UD3 Mobo

Should I buy a new PSU?