New HDD Driver Problem


Mar 17, 2014
High I was getting a hard drive error on my HP Pavilion m6-1004sa so replaced the hard drive with an identical one. Today I installed windows 7 which worked fine however I can't get online because there are no internet drivers installed so I can't install any drivers at all. Please tell me what I should do, thanks.

Can you get on the internet with any other device that has a USB port?

Yes, I have all the drivers downloaded on my desktop.

I have tried that but my laptop is not detecting the USB. I guess there is a driver that needs to be installed for it.

I have also tried that and none of the drivers appeared on the disk when I viewed the disk on my laptop. However when I viewed hidden files there was a file called 'desktop' so I know that the disk drive isn't broken - For some reason the files on the disk just aren't appearing.

I did copy the drivers to the disk. I put the disk in my mums laptop and the drivers showed up on there however they wont show up on my laptop :/ Also do you know why my laptop isn't picking up USB devices ?

It lists:
4 x USB Root Hub
1 x USB Composite Device
2 x Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
2 x Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller
And under other devices there are 2
universal serial bus controllers

Ok, I tried burning them to CD last time so I'll try burning them to DVD this time. Does it matter that the disks are re-writable ?

Ok, thank you very much for your help. I'll let you know the outcome :)

OMG Thanks so much mate it worked ! 😀 I have been trying for about the last 8 hours to get it work and you are the first person to have helped me so seriously thanks alot :)