Hey guys, I have several question for ya all.
I am going to sell my shitty pc
- amd a4 3400
- gt 520
- 2x2gb ram
- windows 7 ultimate
and buy a new one with alot of money addon. (i upgraded my gfx card from gt 520 to an gtx750 1gb but the cpu bottlenecks it so i will switch it to my new pc)
-i5 4690 (non-k, i do not plan to overclock | will I get much better render performance if i buy a k version and overclock it, or just a small improvment?)
-ASRock z97 extreme4 (do i need this?)
-2x4gb 1600mhz Kingston Fury Blue
-Thermaltake SMART SE 530w
-Seagate barracuda 1tb
-Sharkoon VG-4
-GTX750 (from the old pc)
What do you think?
I am going to sell my shitty pc
- amd a4 3400
- gt 520
- 2x2gb ram
- windows 7 ultimate
and buy a new one with alot of money addon. (i upgraded my gfx card from gt 520 to an gtx750 1gb but the cpu bottlenecks it so i will switch it to my new pc)
-i5 4690 (non-k, i do not plan to overclock | will I get much better render performance if i buy a k version and overclock it, or just a small improvment?)
-ASRock z97 extreme4 (do i need this?)
-2x4gb 1600mhz Kingston Fury Blue
-Thermaltake SMART SE 530w
-Seagate barracuda 1tb
-Sharkoon VG-4
-GTX750 (from the old pc)
What do you think?