I’m looking for recommendations for a new Home Theater PC. We currently have an HP P7-1080T i5 2.5GHz doing the job:
It has worked very well for the last 9 years, but is starting to act up. I suspect as a result of being powered-on 24x7 that entire time.
In looking at existing Desktop Tower options, the biggest problem I’m having is finding something reasonably priced that has 4x internal drive bays. In our P7-1080T I have a Blueray optical drive, and SSD OS drive and 3x 3.5 SATA HDDs for media. The SSD is secured with a zip tie, not too worried about as the box is in our entertainment center and doesn't really move around at all.
It doesn’t need to be a crazy high performance system as the i5 was getting it done, although I was leaning towards an i7 CPU.
Here’s the “form” info from the sticky:
Approximate Purchase Date: next month
Budget Range: $500-$1000
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
Home Theater PC
-Recording from tuners
-Running Comskip in the background
-Acting as a NextPVR server to NMT and Kodi Clients
-DVD/Blueray player
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts to Upgrade: everything but mag/optical drives
Do you need to buy OS: Yes – Windoze 10
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: no preference
Location: City, State/Region, Country: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Parts Preferences, by brand or type: I prefer Intel CPU but not required. I was looking at i7’s. I have had good luck with HP desktops and laptops, but am open to recommendations.
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 65” TV, HDMI, 1920x1080 for now, going to 4K eventually, but could upgrade video card at that time.
Additional Comments: Need three to four (3 to 4) internal drive bays and 4 SATA connections (5 if optical drive is SATA). I would like a quiet PC.
Software: Windohs 10, NextPVR. Comskip
Why Are You Upgrading: My current HTPC is 9 years old and is acting up - slow response and needing more frequent reboots. Probably time for a software wipe and rebuild, plus Windohs 7 support is ending and if I have to reinstall everything from scratch anyway….
Include a list of any parts you have already selected with descriptively labeled links for parts: Existing Blueray optical drive, 3.5” SATA Harddrives = 4TB, 5TB and 8TB, USB Wireless keyboard and touchpad, 65” TV
I’m looking for recommendations for a new Home Theater PC. We currently have an HP P7-1080T i5 2.5GHz doing the job:
It has worked very well for the last 9 years, but is starting to act up. I suspect as a result of being powered-on 24x7 that entire time.
In looking at existing Desktop Tower options, the biggest problem I’m having is finding something reasonably priced that has 4x internal drive bays. In our P7-1080T I have a Blueray optical drive, and SSD OS drive and 3x 3.5 SATA HDDs for media. The SSD is secured with a zip tie, not too worried about as the box is in our entertainment center and doesn't really move around at all.
It doesn’t need to be a crazy high performance system as the i5 was getting it done, although I was leaning towards an i7 CPU.
Here’s the “form” info from the sticky:
Approximate Purchase Date: next month
Budget Range: $500-$1000
System Usage from Most to Least Important:
Home Theater PC
-Recording from tuners
-Running Comskip in the background
-Acting as a NextPVR server to NMT and Kodi Clients
-DVD/Blueray player
Are you buying a monitor: No
Parts to Upgrade: everything but mag/optical drives
Do you need to buy OS: Yes – Windoze 10
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: no preference
Location: City, State/Region, Country: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Parts Preferences, by brand or type: I prefer Intel CPU but not required. I was looking at i7’s. I have had good luck with HP desktops and laptops, but am open to recommendations.
Overclocking: No
SLI or Crossfire: No
Your Monitor Resolution: 65” TV, HDMI, 1920x1080 for now, going to 4K eventually, but could upgrade video card at that time.
Additional Comments: Need three to four (3 to 4) internal drive bays and 4 SATA connections (5 if optical drive is SATA). I would like a quiet PC.
Software: Windohs 10, NextPVR. Comskip
Why Are You Upgrading: My current HTPC is 9 years old and is acting up - slow response and needing more frequent reboots. Probably time for a software wipe and rebuild, plus Windohs 7 support is ending and if I have to reinstall everything from scratch anyway….
Include a list of any parts you have already selected with descriptively labeled links for parts: Existing Blueray optical drive, 3.5” SATA Harddrives = 4TB, 5TB and 8TB, USB Wireless keyboard and touchpad, 65” TV