New intel 535 series 480gb ssd, transfer Win 10 and programs...


Mar 8, 2016
Just got a new intel 535 series 480gb ssd. I want to tranfer Win 10 and my few programs to the new SSD! I picked up a usb 3.0 to ssd sata cable, to aid in the process.

Whats the best way to go about doin this process? Tia...
Foundout I wasted 12.00 on the sata to usb 3.0 cable. As using the migration software frkm Intels site, I just need to connect my SSD to a sata port on my mobo. Lol, figures... Fingers crossed, it works!
No luck, after migrating my hdd to intel ssd. Windows wont boot, just loops and goes to a black screen.

How can I fix this? I only have a included windows 10 pro recovery reinstall dvd! Soo frustrated, after 3 hours of messing with it....
In general the data migration process is pretty much a cut & tried procedure, but we need a bit more info from you.

1. Are you working with a desktop PC or a laptop? If a laptop, presumably you can internally install only one drive in the machine unless you have multiple drive bays or one of those caddies installed in the optical drive compartment. Which is it?

2. What's the size of your source disk and what are the total data contents on the disk.

3. Does your source disk, i.e., your boot drive boot & function without any problems.

Respond if you will and we can go on from here.

1. Desktop

2. Origonal hdd is 2tb, only had 30gb on it, ssd I Migrated to is 480gb.

3. In the process of trying to repair the origonal 2 tb hdd, as ssd wont boot migrated windows 10!
While trying to restore origonal 2 tb hdd that origonally win 10 on it. It says theres a missing Partition...

Update: in the process of trying to Reinstall Windows 10 on my SSD via windows recovery reinstall dvd!
Good. You're nearly home free. Obviously it's absolutely crucial that your source disk be problem-free since if you clone garbage, garbage is what you get.

So, since you're working with a desktop PC it's a virtual certainty you can internally install your SSD in the system. Once you've accomplished that you'll need a disk-cloning (data migration) program to effect the transfer of the total contents of the HDD to the SSD. (The HDD's contents will, in effect, be copied over to the destination drive, not moved.)

There are a number of freely available disk-cloning programs available on the net; one of the more popular ones is the Macrium Reflect Free program which you can download from...

Following the successful disk-cloning operation, it would be wise to reconnect the SSD to the motherboard's first SATA data connector - generally designated SATA0 or SATA1. That data connector will probably be the same one your present HDD is connected to. You can then connect the HDD to the following SATA data connector.

But first disconnect the HDD from the system and boot to the SSD with no other connected disks. Ensure the cloned SSD boots & functions without any problems. Do check your BIOS (or UEFI interface) to ensure that the SSD is first in boot priority order. Then reconnect your HDD after shutting down and boot the system to determine all is well.

DO NOT make any wholesale changes/deletions to your HDD for some days until you're satisfied the SSD is properly functioning in all respects.

Good luck.
Somehow Intels ssd migrations software (Acronim?) Missed a partition on my hdd, that was the issue besides it didnt format my ssd properly. So I reformatted the ssd NFTS, then did a clean install of Windows 10!

Just finished installing all my programs on the ssd. This baby is nice and fast, on a restart it takes my pc 10 seconds to be up and running in windows 10! F'in, Saweet!
Yes, I made sure when trying to boot the ssd after migrating windows 1p to the ssd and installing a clean version of windows 10. That my ssd was in sata port 0, like the origonal hdd was.

Im just super happy, that my brand new gaming pc is back up and running faster than before! Cant wait for my new vgc to arrive tommorrow, and install it!