New Intel Skylake CPUs temperatures


Aug 14, 2015
is there any information about what kind of temperatures to expect from those new cpus? I am running an i5 6600k not overclocked and the minimum i get with the noctua nh u12s is around 35 Celsius. (at around 26 degrees celsius room temperature and fresh applied thermal paste). Do others maybe have different values/expiriences?



Here's the normal operating range for Core temperature:

80C Hot (100% Load)
75C Warm
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)

Core temperatures in the mid 70's are safe, so just keep it under 80C.

Idle temperatures are less important than load temperatures. Intel's newer Generations of processors are more power efficient than their predecessors.

There are many variables involved, however ... with your mid-range air cooler and 26C ambient, if you haven't disabled any power saving features in BIOS, then core temperatures at dead idle should be about 31C, or about 5C...
Looks like at stock speeds the temps tom's got on the 6600k using the stock cooler were around 48c. I don't see a statement of their ambient temps which have to be taken into consideration. Most tests are done around 22-23c (71-73f). 26c is a bit warmer than typical ambient room temps but not by much. It will have an effect on cooling. More important than idle temps are stress temps under load. Not sure what their 'torture' test consists of, if it's prime95, aida64, ibt, rog realbench or what. Makes it a bit hard to compare.,4252-11.html

Using prime95, kitguru had stock idle/load temps of 28c/48c @ 25c ambient but using an h100i 240mm aio cooler.

I'd say your idle temps sound about right, factoring the difference between and h100i and nh u12s. Load temps are still more important, you may have two coolers which both keep a cpu around 32c idle but at load one may keep the cpu at 60c while the other only 74c.

Here's the normal operating range for Core temperature:

80C Hot (100% Load)
75C Warm
70C Warm (Heavy Load)
60C Norm
50C Norm (Medium Load)
40C Norm
30C Cool (Idle)

Core temperatures in the mid 70's are safe, so just keep it under 80C.

Idle temperatures are less important than load temperatures. Intel's newer Generations of processors are more power efficient than their predecessors.

There are many variables involved, however ... with your mid-range air cooler and 26C ambient, if you haven't disabled any power saving features in BIOS, then core temperatures at dead idle should be about 31C, or about 5C above ambient.

How's your case ventilation? Does the temperature drop with case covers removed?

Is idle really dead idle? Is idle less than 2% in Windows Task Manager?

All the details are available in the Intel Temperature Guide -

There's a Sticky at the top of the CPU's Forum, and another at the top of the Overclocking Forum, or you can just click on my signature.

CT :sol:

My friend just got a i5 6500 and he got it overclocked to 4.3 is 40c idle seem a bit high. Or is that normal for a 4.3 overlclock. It seems to hit 55-60c under max load. When he had it stock it was idling around 30-32c. This is using the 212 evo. I feel with the 212 evo it should be cooler, but i could be wrong. The temp in my room where the pc is 21c


i have the same CPU i5 6600K with a Noctua NH-D15 and my temperature on idle is 25-26C in a room that is about 21C