I recently upgraded to a Club 3D R9 290 card, and was able to play dragon age inquisition on almost max graphics. After getting a new CPU and motherboard, I have been experiencing weird lag/fps drop across all games. Its most easily seen in BF4, where I play on max graphics with absolutely no trouble for 20-30 minutes, then the lag becomes unplayable, sometimes even crashes. Upon exiting the game origin exits as well. I though it may be an origin problem, so I tried both steam and Uplay games with the same result.
My cpu did not go over 30 C and my VC didn't go over 59.
Any ideas?
System specs:
AMD FX 8320 with Hyper evo 212 cooler
Club 3D R9 290
8gb ram
My cpu did not go over 30 C and my VC didn't go over 59.
Any ideas?
System specs:
AMD FX 8320 with Hyper evo 212 cooler
Club 3D R9 290
8gb ram