I had to buy a new cooling system and decided to go with a liquid cooler. I'm all the way to plugging the components into the motherboard, which is is a Biostar A780l3g, but I have two questions. 1. The previous heat sink was plugged into a CVG5 (4 prong) port and the pump for this system has a 3 prong connector. Do I plug it into the port mentioned above or should I plug it into the sys fan port which has 3 prongs. My second question is more of a problem. I bought this system used and while reading the manual, I found that I'm supposed to have a y-cable for the two fans that go on both sides of the radiator. I don't have this y-cable. However, my other fans are capped and get power directly from the power supply. Can I do this with these two fans well? There's an open power source from the power supply. If you need any pictures at all, I can post them. Please help me figure this out before the end of the night!