New MB - rear audio jack EMI noises


Jun 1, 2015
I've upgraded my MB and CPU and I am having an issue with some EMI on my rear audio output on my new GIGABYTE GA-Z170XP-SLI motherboard. It seems to be an issue with some graphical interference since it seems to only happen when I move the mouse around, slide a window across the screen, or play a game (which is when it becomes really apparent to the point of a steady buzz).

At first I thought it was my graphics card causing these noises after reading other posts about this issue, but after moving the card to another PCI slot and even removing it from the case entirely and just using the on-board integrated graphics, the issue still persists.
I then went on to disabling the integrated graphics from BIOS and plugging my graphics card back in, in hopes that maybe it was the on-board graphics causing the interference but the issue is still there.

I've tried isolating any variables by removing all extra peripherals/monitors, extra hard drives, front USB case cables, front case audio cable, and using different headphones and speakers.

Although, when I change the sound playback device to my monitor and plug my headphones into the audio jack on the monitor, I don't hear the EMI noises and this is when the monitor is plugged directly into the HDMI output on the motherboard regardless if my graphics card is installed or not. So it seems like the EMI is only coming from the Audio 5.1 jacks. Which is a bummer because I got this motherboard for the 5.1 availability without needing to install a sound card.

I am assuming this is a malfunctioning MB since there's only 2 other reviews about this EMI out of the 100 or so reviews on Newegg.

But I'm wondering if there's anything that I missed that could possibly fix this issue? I've heard, but haven't tried it yet, that it could also be from an improperly installed motherboard that's not grounded all the way to the case? but I'm not sure if that's relevant for my situation. Any other ideas?
1| You shouldn't base all your decisions on Newegg/Amazon reviews.
2| Mind sharing your full system's specs and include your OS as well as your audio equipment and connected peripherals?
3| In the interim period, make sure your motherboard BIOS is up to date. Make sure your audio drivers are also up to date alongside the chipset/USB drivers not to mention the peripherals drivers as well. You're also going to need to verify if your grounding within your residence is affecting/compounding the issue. A lack of a ground can result in the issue. You could try and re-build your system out of the case(on your motherboard box) and see if the issue persists as well.

4| If you're on Windows 10 and are using the onboard Realtek audio solution(assuming) then that is one probable cause.

Hi Lutfij,

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the late response, I've been gone on Holiday and have been away from my computer.

2.) I am running Windows 10 and here is a list of my current PC Specs:
As for my audio equipment I am currently using just the generic edition of iPhone EarPod. I've tried using another set to rule out an possibility of interference with this pair. I do have an old pair of Logitech g35 that I don't use anymore but still gave it try, there wasn't any EMI noise since its plugged through USB.

3.) I've updated all my drivers, chip sets, and peripherals and the issue persists. I've used the supplied drivers for my motherboard at this site. I am having trouble updating the BIOS though, when I try to update the BIOS it says "Can't run app on your PC. Find a version for your PC, check with software publisher" I'll look into this in the meantime.

As for grounding within my residence, I'll try a different outlet in the house just to see. But my previous setup which had a Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 AM3+ motherboard and a AMD FX-6100 3.3GHz CPU ran without any EMI in the same computer case and same peripherals connected all from the same surge protector and outlet that I am currently plugged into.
I've double checked with the standoffs in my case and made sure they were properly touching the motherboard and uninstalled any stand offs in the case that were not being used

4.) I am using Realtek audio driver and it is up to date. Is there another audio driver that you recommend for me to use?

Thanks for your help in advance.
Just an update on my situation....

I've purchased a replacement board, same make and model as before and before I installed in into my case I did an "out of case" boot according to the guide that Lutfij provided above. And the same EMI issue is present as before on the original motherboard. Although it seems to be a little quieter than what I was hearing on the other motherboard but still noticeable... what a letdown.

I also dug out my old optical drive and installed all the applications (minus the promotional Toolbar and Norton antivirus programs or whatever). And through those applications I've downloaded and updated all the drivers that it provided and yet the EMI noise is still present.

any suggestions to solutions would be very appreciated!
Have you found a solution? i seem to have the same problem. Switching the audio port of my audio jack seemed to make it less loud (but still present). It started when i changed the voltage and overclocked my cpu AND my gpu however i dont understand how it should have broken my motherboards audio ports