New MOBO, RAM, CPU screen won't work


Dec 1, 2015
I just installed my new mobo, ram and CPU but for some reason my screen doesn't work and my keyboard or mouse don't light up either. All the fans run and the mobo lights up so I know it should be working but I can't seem to find what is wrong even with reading through these forums. Anything helps thank you.


There is no on board graphics, so that leaves that out, check all your connections (especailly power (24 and 4/9 to the mobo, PCI-E to the GPU.....might also be a short and may want to bench it, have a guide...
Need to problem solve a little to reduce the number of factors that could be at play.

1)- unplug any dedicated graphics and try using on board hdmi output to see if you get bios post (you can keep this setup for subsequent tests)
2)- Only boot up with 1 stick of ram and switch them out to see if it boots with 1 or other.
3)-More messy so don't try this first- Take out cpu and put back in (know what you're doing with this step as reinstalling cpu is harder than first install, thermal paste cleaning etc.


There is no on board graphics, so that leaves that out, check all your connections (especailly power (24 and 4/9 to the mobo, PCI-E to the GPU.....might also be a short and may want to bench it, have a guide I wrote that might help here: