New monitor. Confused about resolution.


Dec 9, 2015
Just bought a 27" Acer GN276HL monitor and its speced for 1920x1080 HD at 144hz. But for some reason the display defaulted to 3840x2160. I didn't even know that was possible. Will running at this resolution damage my monitor? And also the picture is a tad blury on this resolution. Im running as follows...

Gigabyte z170 ATX MOBO
i7-6700k 4.2ghz
Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4 3200mhz
GTX 980ti
EVGA Super Nova 1000w PSU
Can you set it to 1920x1080 @ 144Hz?

I've seen Windows downscale high resolutions onto monitors before. Not sure why that would be the default tho...

It won't damage it, but there is no benefit to doing so
Can you set it to 1920x1080 @ 144Hz?

I've seen Windows downscale high resolutions onto monitors before. Not sure why that would be the default tho...

It won't damage it, but there is no benefit to doing so

Yes i am able to set it to the native 1920x1080 resolution. I just wasn't sure why it was doing this or why its even possible.

My guess is that its always been possible, but the connection required to get 144Hz at 1080p has enough bandwidth for 4K @ 60. Windows would probably have shown the option for such a high "virtual" resolution on other monitors if it has the capacity (the high bandwidth connection, plus a monitor that is capable of downscaling higher resolutions)