New Motherbaord for Older CPU/RAM


Nov 13, 2015
I'm currently looking to upgrade from my current 7970 to a new GPU, maybe a 1070 but I would also need a new mobo as I built my pc up from a OEM and it still has the original Acer motherboard and it WILL NOT work with any new gen cards. Since I have the i7 3770 still Id need a older motherboard for sure. I also haven't upgraded the ram but I don't really mind getting new "old" ram as it's cheao anyway. So my question essentially is which motherboard could work and what are some other suggestions for motherboards and or ram that would work with my system. Other specs are: 750W Corsair PSU, A large enough case (lol) 8GB of RAM (older style, pretty sure its Kingston) and a 2tb HDD. Budget is around 700 CAD but looking to spend like only 150-200 of it on mobo/ram. Basically just wanna toss in a strong GPU back in the ole rig so it can max out games again. Also you can move the thread if this is the incorrect sub. Thanks all!
If you want to keep the 3770, then your best bet is a Z77 board and update the bios before installing a new graphics card.
But u probably will run out of ur 150-200 budget as it wont be cheap for a refurbished board and some DDR3 sticks.
From newegg canada, its like ~250 dollars for a Z77.
If you want to keep the 3770, then your best bet is a Z77 board and update the bios before installing a new graphics card.
But u probably will run out of ur 150-200 budget as it wont be cheap for a refurbished board and some DDR3 sticks.
From newegg canada, its like ~250 dollars for a Z77.