New MSI Z270 no onboard hdmi signal


Dec 21, 2017
Just bought a new setup and when hooked to integrated hdmi I get no signal and have tried known working cables and monitors.

Mobo: MSI Z270 gaming M7
CPU: Intel i7-7700 w/ Coolmaster 212 evo heat sink.
Ram: 1 8GB Ballsitics DDR4-2400
PSU: evga 1000w

I have stripped everything down to bare minimum (fan, cpu power, power button). I have not bought a GPU yet. I am plugged in to the Mobos integrated hdmi Port. The monitors and cables work on other PCs. I have tried multiple monitors. When I hit power button all lights and fans come on and stay on. Zero beeps. I get no signal no matter which monitor I hook to. I removed the cmos battery for 30 mins and tried again. No go. I only have one stick of ram but I have firmly insterted it into every slot. Still nothing. Can’t get to bios or anything. I hooked up two old hard drives to see what they would do. I hooked up keyboard to USB port and num lock and caps lock lights do not light up. Also nothing. Any ideas? Do I need drivers before that hdmi will work? I have built many PCs and first I have ever had issues with.

Thanks a million.
1. What version of Windows are you using?
2. What error code does the "Debug Code LED" in the top right corner of your motherboard display?
3. What do the "EZ Debug LEDs" just above the 24-pin power connector show?

CPU - indicates CPU is not detected or fail.
DRAM - indicates DRAM is not detected or fail.
VGA - indicates GPU is not detected or fail.
BOOT - indicates the booting device is not detected or fail.

Your 1 stick of RAM should be located in slot "DIMMB2".
1). I am trying to install Win 10 by USB.

2.). Just went at lunch time and check the LED lights and of the four close together it is the right most one that says CPU. I was super careful installing but will pull the CPU and check pins.

The one stick is in the DIMMB2 slot second from processor.


Does the "Debug Code LED" not display any error code?
Pulled the CPU and pins straight as an arrow. Put it back together and still CPU light and D0/00 error code.

Sent MSI a note and explained everything with pictures and they told me to try everything I just told them I did. So we will see.