New OEM win 7 OS for new mobo/cpu?


Nov 9, 2013
i recently purchased a new cpu and motheboard, and apparently i'm reading that i will need a new OS along with this?

I purchased a win 7 64bit oem back when i bought my first motherboard, and i figured the os was on the hard drive not the mobo so it is news to me that the copy i bought is only a one time use...

Should i purchase another copy, or try my new parts and see if they will work with my old copy?
some people say that all you need to do is call Microsoft and they will activate it but if its not
allowed id rather not, and also i plan on eventually building a 2nd rig out of my old parts when i finish upgrading all of them... ( i may or may not have just answered my own question....)

unrelated question, should i take this time to wipe my hardrive and do a fresh install of everything, if yes, how does one do this.
You can not plug your old HDD (with the existing Win 7 installation) into the new PC setup and expect it to work. It will not as the old OS installation is configured for the old PC motherboard. It will crash and burn with the new motherboard

As far as legality issues, you can not reinstall the OS reusing the old Win 7 license key with a new motherboard. It is tied to the original MB. (Win 8 does not have that problem with license transferability.)

So choice #1 - buy another Win 7, #2 - buy Win 8, #3 - reinstall the WIn 7 you have reusing the license key then get on the phone to Microsoft to explain what you did and see what they can do to "help" you.

alright so it looks like my only choice is #1 since i dont really want win 8 and #3 seems problematic if i want to use my old mobo in a 2nd rig some time down the road..
so when i buy a new copy of win 7, do i just put my parts in and use that disk or will i have to wipe my harddrive before then install the new windows 7?
A windows 7 license is good for only one pc(aka motherboard) at a time.
A retail or upgrade version can be freely transferred. again to only one pc at a time.
A OEM license is tied to the original motherboard.

I think you did answer your question since you will need two copies for two pc's.

And, yes, MS will usually activate for you if you change out a motherboard.

When you boot the windows install dvd it will detect your hard drive and you can elect to reformat it for a fresh install.

If you have not done so, consider building using a ssd for the "C" drive You will never go back to a hard drive.

ok thanks, im just going to buy a new windows 7 copy, also i would love to use an ssd but sadly i cannot afford to purchase one at the moment :\