New PC Build Advice


Mar 21, 2016
Please help,I am in the process of building my first computer. I have assembled a parts list and I just want to get some advice on the parts list.
And suggestions for better performance without going up much on the price is what I am looking for.

Parts list:
Intel i5 6600k CPU
Gigabyte g1 gaming ga-z170x motherboard
Msi GeForce 960 4gb GPU
CORSAIR cx430m power supply
HyperX fury 8gb ddr3
Fractal r4 w/ window
Cool master hyper 212 evo
Kingston v300 120gb ssd
Random 1tb hhd I have at home

Any suggestion are welcome!

First thing that sticks out is the ram itself. The Z170 chipset uses DDR4 if I remember correctly, so that should probably get switched out for the correct type of ram. In addition, make sure that you have 2 sticks of ram as opposed to a single (dual channel)
Second is the powersupply. CX series PSU's are really poor quality, so you'd be better off spending a little more to get something that's going to be more reliable in the long term. There's a tier list on this site that's really handy for knowing what's good and what's not. Just google Tom's Hardware PSU Tier and it should show up.

What was the total budget for the build?

The main goal is to stay under $1000, this is not including monitor, mouse, keyboard, or os

Came up with a couple options. Granted they came out pretty much at 1K US so they don't quite fit the initial budget, but they will outperform the initial systems in games thanks to the much superior GPU's.

Build 1

First option keeps the 6600k, but switches the CPU Cooler to a Cryorig H7 (best budget aftermarket cooler on the market IMO) It's still on the Z170 chipset though so you can still do a little bit of overclocking. Has the correct DDR4 ram now, and it's dual channel for sure. On this and the following build you could also bump it up to 16gb and barely break 1000US. Very good Samsung 850 EVO 250gb SSD to pair with the 1tb spin drive you have. Has a very good 550W EVGA G2 Gold PSU which is a tier 1 unit. Biggest improvement though is the GTX970 over the 960. I threw in the NZXT S340 case, but you could use the Fractal one you picked as well. I just think the NZXT looks a little cleaner

Build 2

The second option has mostly the same stuff, but it switches out the 550G2 power supply for a 750B2 (which is still a tier 2 unit and perfectly fine to use) Reason behind this is the GTX 970 is traded out for a R9 390, which in my opinion is the stronger card.

Really though it's all dependent on what one you like the look of more. Let me know and I can try and make some more tweaks so it fits for you a little better

I looked at these list and I took a step back and kinda reconfigured what I think I want. Just something to play some casual games, I have a console for most the really intensive games (Triple A games) so I have reworked to this list
Take a look at it and see what you think!

Not too familiar with B150, but personally I'd prefer to use H170 over it. Threw this together. GPU is a little better, Mobo has better support and more expansion options should you ever decide to change some stuff around. Same processor though (although I do think it might be worthwhile to spring for the i5 since it will perform far better in games) Also reduced it to 8GB of ram since if it's only light gaming I wouldn't really expect you to need more. SSD was also bumped to the 250gb drive. 120 seems like a decent amount, but for the extra 20 some dollars it's hugely worth it to double the storage size. 250 is really the smallest anyone would recommend for SSD size.

Build Option