New Pc Build Compatibilty


Jun 6, 2016
Hello every one =) !

I decided to buy new gaming platform.

Here are the parts on part picker I need to know if they would run fine and what do you think!

Here is the link:

Please response I only need to know if those parts are good together I dont want to make any changes if its not necesary.
Spending way too much, on a B150 motherboard. That is Z170 territory. Ram is way too much, for only an 8gb kit.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($199.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: SilentiumPC Spartan LT HE922 45.0 CFM CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASRock H170M Pro4 Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($81.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws 4 series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($62.88 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.89 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: XFX Radeon R9 380X 4GB DD XXX OC Video Card ($199.99 @ Newegg)
Case: Zalman Z1 Neo ATX Mid Tower Case ($42.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: XFX TS 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($62.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $699.71
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-25 15:50 EDT-0400
For compatibility, pcpartpicker tells you if there is a problem, and should heed it's device (i.e. PSU might not fit the case, wrong speed for RAM, etc.)

A) having a GTX 970 I can attest that a 500W doesn't cut it, I had to go to 700W, and recommend the same.
B) I would plunk down the other $70 for the new GTX 1060 GPU instead as it out performs a GTX 980, so your getting a heck lot more power for very little investment (cash). Though i would double check on your PSU (again) for meeting the demand (750w?)
C) I would HIGHLY recommend if possible adding a SSD as the OS drive, even if it was a 120GB one (which is cheap) as I can NOT emphasize how much of a improvement making Windows 'not be in the way' of games waiting on Windows to find 'this texture for a gun' or 'that sound file to make the explosion' or just 'which font is it for the crazy spray paint logo on the wall?'.
D) Do plan on upgrading the RAM to 16GB, as many current AAA+ titles do need 8-12GB JUST for the game (not Windows, not the Graphics driver, not the icons on your desktop, not even the music your streaming, just the GAME).
E) I don't see Windows included, do be aware if you have a OEM computer (Dell, HP, etc.) you can NOT reuse that into a new computer. It will refuse to install / repair / load, because the OEM edition is ONLY for that computer it came with. You have to have bought a separate copy of Windows from the store (Walmart, etc.) or via Microsoft's website.

That be my tips.
Just tell me if componets are going to work I won that GPU on facebook competition so Im not gonna change GPU im going to keep this one. Someone said something is not good with RAM´s WHY ?

Uhm NO. GPU has nothing to do with motherboard RAM. I said the problems can be ..... and PCPARTPICKER lets you know if it is aware of those problems.

And NO, no one can be 100% perfectly knowledgeable about every single piece selected by someone (there are billions of pieces of different hardware, models, versions, revisions, etc.) unless they are running exactly that same build. In GENERAL, unless PCPARTPICKER noticed something specific, they should just 'work'.

Now does it 'work' to your 'expectations' is the trick question ? One person just posted about a real cheap build and 'doesn't wish to see things real life so willing to play low crappy graphics' just to say YEAH I played it. While another person is expecting on $300 budget to play 2560x1080 on triple screens, stream and record for later edit FallOut 4. So yeah there is many 'gaps' in peoples pipe dreams and such.

I dunno what contest your speaking of or how legit it is. I had SEVERAL kids from school tell me they 'won on FB' a new computer, iPad, etc. They just paid the 'shipping' or 'tax', and well they were ripped off, they never got it. ALL the people who entered HAD won, and ALL them paid the 'shipping' or tax and the scammer just ran away with the money. Just to let you know you NEVER have to PAY for anything you 'WIN'.
I already have it home my gpu arrived with no damage its working , my old HP System isnt good enough for it. So I decided to spent some money from my summer work next month to buy new pc those parts are the ones I picked and i like them together. I'm never going to build something extreme like double gpu pc or gtx 1080. I m going to chsnge the gpu over some time and that's it.

One last thing I need from someone who is an expert in those things.

Is any of thise parts incompatible or wouldnt go together? Thank you for your anwsers

One more thing : I added AMD RADEON SSD 120GB to the pc components and if anyone can tell me kf this SSD is the one I should choose.
Congrates!!! Woot! Excellent to hear!

Is fine. Just remember when you install Windows to unplug the other drive first, so ONLY the SSD is seen to 'install to'. Makes it easier later. Then when you need to reboot, shut down and plug back in the SATA for the 1TB and now you have your 'D' drive for your games (you have to always MANUALLY tell the games to INSTALL TO: and change the C:\ to D:\ so not to 'fill' up your SSD).

Also please reread what I said about Windows, can NOT use the Windows from your OLD HP system. It is ONLY for THAT HP system (hardware) unless you bought at Walmart, etc. a copy of Windows. It will refuse to install/ repair / load. It asks "what hardware am I sitting in" when it powers on, and if that does NOT match what HP recorded on that CD, then NOPE wrong hardware, install proper edition of Windows.
Windows is already managed I have a original copy on my table right now , also sold my old system for 300$ so im just waiting for my BoSS TO Pay me my hard earned money for july and we can start ordering ! Wohoo! Okay one last question

Rams frequency is 2133Mhz MB is 2133Mhz(should be fine right?)
MB socket is 1151 intel has 1151(should be fine right?)
My gpu consumes maximally 120W and recomended supply is 400W intel takes 65w partpicker calculated about 250 watt usage im not going to overClock anything CX500 should be fine right?
My case is Midi ATX MB IS ATX should fit right??
And SSD + HDD SHOULD be fine also and run with no problem AM I RIGHT?

Thanks a lot <3

Great to hear! Just a common snafu people don't seem to 'get'.

As for the rest, please STOP TL : DR and READ my responses. Your asking the same questions again and again. Basically it comes across as:
"did I order the right parts, can you guarantee NOTHING will go wrong this will absolutely work right out of the box"

Short answer - NO.
Defined answer: When building your own PC many things do / can go wrong and yes things supposed to work DO NOT (see your PSU question and then see my answer ALREADY above). Most of all building a PC is a IN PERSON experiance, there is NO WAY (unless I / someone has every EXACT same part as you) for someone to 'see' any of the issues and let you know right upfront " you will need to do XYZ because you got ABC and 123 in that PC".

IF you want to just 'plug in the new game card and go' then just buy a PREBUILT with a powerful enough PSU already contained in it but has some low end cheap GPU. Swap GPUs and your done! Simple.


Same number so yeah, BUT I had my RAM and the problem was the MOBO itself doesn't support THAT specific model.
Go to the Mobo Manufacturer's webpage for the MOBO. Get the manual or look for 'compatible RAM' if they list it right off on the support website.

Same answer again, same model type yeah BUT (again) is that model CPU supported by the BIOS in it? Go to the Mobo Manufacturer website for the Mobo. Get the manual or look for 'compatible CPUs' is they list it right off on the support website

Answered before. I have the SAME thing said to me about my build but as I said before
"A) having a GTX 970 I can attest that a 500W doesn't cut it, I had to go to 700W, and recommend the same."

Again normally yes for the Mobo BUT, did you take the measurements of your CPU cooler into account on the depth of the case? It would be 'raised' and then 'on top of' the Mobo PLUS how tall it is. Did you measure the PSU space in the case and the ALIGNMENT (how it faces) for the PSU your ordering. For example if you have to put it in 'sideways' the 'vent' would be not on the back but now TOP of the case, do you have a hole in it for that? Did you see if there is enough room with the measurements of the GPU plus IT'S cooler, PLUS your CPU cooler and where the HDD are mounted? Can you fit your hand in there with those blocking it? etc.

Basically, get the measurements of everything on a piece of paper. Start measuring inside the case for those parts. Used a folded piece of paper, wood blocks, whatever to 'fill' those measurements, do you see any problems.

Honestly why are you asking this? I told you
"Is fine. Just remember when you install Windows to unplug the other drive first, so ONLY the SSD is seen to 'install to'. Makes it easier later. Then when you need to reboot, shut down and plug back in the SATA for the 1TB and now you have your 'D' drive for your games (you have to always MANUALLY tell the games to INSTALL TO: and change the C:\ to D:\ so not to 'fill' up your SSD). "

PLEASE STOP SKIPPING READING - Your doing something HIGHLY TECHNICAL AND RISKY, and there is no 'cliffnotes' way to answer / provide solutions.

Thanks for the response =) This is the one Ive been waiting for !

Okay Ill try to find everything and then I will response back and tell you what I found!

So I have changed the CX500 for VS650 what do you think?