New PC Build HELP!


Jul 13, 2013
I am very new to building gaming rigs, and I have picked a few parts that I would like to use in my rig. Let me know if this is a good combo and will I be able to overclock and how well will the rig preform in BF3 and other games. Any help will be much appreciated.

1. BitFenix Prodigy
2. GTX 650 Ti BOOST
3. Intel Core i5-3570K
4. MSI Z77IA-E53
5. Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB
7. CORSAIR Hydro Series H60
8. OCZ Vertex 2 100GB
I would suggest cutting down on the power supply a little (there is barely room for 650W worth of hardware in a mITX build anyway), and getting a better SSD. The Vertex 2 is outdated and infamous for its poor reliability.

The rig would do okay-ish in BF3 etc., but a faster graphics card wouldn't hurt. Depends on how much you can spend though.
I've come across posts of issues with poor mounting on the Corsair Hydro coolers, so you might consider a different water cooler or just a Hyper 212 evo. Also, were you planning to add a mechanical HDD? 100-128GB is okay for a system drive if you pair it with a mechanical drive, but too small to work well as the only drive in the system.

What would be a better card for under $200?
I would say GTX 660 since bf3 tend to work slightly better with nvidia cards

And also, i would cut down on the CPU and pay some more on the GPU instead since you're a gamer