New PC Build - No Network Adapter Problem


Jan 21, 2016
I just built a new PC for the first time. I've installed Windows 8.1 on the machine and it is running wonderfully, with the exception of not being able to connect to the Internet via LAN.

I have the ASUS Z97-A motherboard. When I plug the network cable into the port, the Activity Link LED is orange, which according to the manual means "Linked," and the Speed LED is also orange, which the manual indicates is "100 Mbps connection."

I downloaded the "Turbo LAN V1.05.03 for Windows Win7 32bit & Win7 64bit & Win8 32bit & Win8 64bi t& Win8.1 32bit & Win8.1 64bit." driver from the following link, put it on a thumb drive, and installed it on the new machine; it still could not detect the network adapter or LAN cable, even after a restart:

During the installation, a small window popped up and said "New Driver Version 8.33.529.2014" and attempted to install it. I then got the following window:

"The Realtek Network Controller was not found. If Deep Sleep Mode is enabled Please Plug the Cable."

I went into the UEFI BIOS and found that some of the network settings were disabled, so I enabled them, saved changes, and restarted, also to no avail.

Under Device Manager, under "Other Devices," I found "Ethernet Controller," which has some of the following properties:

Manufacturer: Unknown
Location: PCI bus 0, device 25, function 0
The drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28).

There is an exclamation point next to the icon for the device.

Any help at all would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much in advance.
Ok. Ideally what you should always do when building a new PC, is use the Driver CD that comes with your motherboard. That way, you know that whatever you put on there WILL work with your board - and you dont end up with random drivers and files clogging up your system, which can cause problems later.

If you don't want to wait another week or two, I'd suggest seeing if you can borrow one from a friend or family member. You could even go and buy one in person from a PC shop (optical drives are very cheap these days), use it once, and then return it! As long as you don't damage it or the packaging, most places will refund you.

Other than that, you could try a clean install of your Operating System, and attempt to install your drivers...

I do; unfortunately my optical drive is shipping from China and may not arrive for another week or two. Ideally I'd like to resolve the problem before then, but if that isn't possible I suppose I'll just have to wait.
Ok. Ideally what you should always do when building a new PC, is use the Driver CD that comes with your motherboard. That way, you know that whatever you put on there WILL work with your board - and you dont end up with random drivers and files clogging up your system, which can cause problems later.

If you don't want to wait another week or two, I'd suggest seeing if you can borrow one from a friend or family member. You could even go and buy one in person from a PC shop (optical drives are very cheap these days), use it once, and then return it! As long as you don't damage it or the packaging, most places will refund you.

Other than that, you could try a clean install of your Operating System, and attempt to install your drivers via USB again (as long as you make sure the drivers are coming from the manufacturers website).
Your advice was more than spot on. After about another hour of investigation, I discovered that the Z97-A and the product that I actually had, the Z-97A/USB 3.1, are two separate products with separate drivers. I cleaned my computer of the old junk, installed the new drivers and it worked seamlessly. Thanks for the help, and good luck to anyone else experiencing this problem.
No worries mate, glad you sorted it and happy to help :)

One thing I should have made clear in my advice though; the drivers that come with the disc are the ideal starting place, but after you get everything up and running, start looking to see if there are more up to date drivers that you can download and update to afterwards, especially GPU drivers that come out very frequently!

- Joe