New PC build not turning on


Oct 4, 2014
So I just built a new computer for the first time. When I go to turn it on I get nothing. No lights, no fans, nothing.

So I've checked all of the connections repeatedly. The motherboard is on the stands and doesn't appear to be touching the case. I thought it was the PSU but I tested it with some equipment and it works fine apparently. I know the graphics card works. So I feel like it has to be the CPU or motherboard. I tried a analyzer on the motherboard. I put it in the PCI slot and turned the computer on and nothing again. No beeps, no lights.

I'm thinking the motherboard is dead, but I'm just wondering if there are any other options out there? Anything else I can try? This is my first build, so I'm not sure I'm maybe I'm making a simple mistake. I really don't want to buy another motherboard unless I know that's the problem. I can provide build if that would help.

Thanks for the help guys.
Even with incorrect bios you should still be getting power through it so fans should be spinning. I think the mobo is DOA, it's not unheard of.
I tried all the components on the cardboard box previously and it didn't work either. I was really hoping that I would slide the pc analyzer into the mobo and quit some information from it to go off of. So because it didn't power up at all that just means the mobo is dead then right? Is there any other reason the PC analyzer wouldn't turn on?

I did already look at these other trouble shooting sites. The only thing I haven't done is take the heatsink off and reinstall the CPU. I felt like I did it right the first time, so I didn't want to clean the processor off and apply thermal paste and all that again. I guess I will pull it all out and do the breadboard thing again and reinstall the processor again and see if that changes anything. If this doesn't work I guess I'll declare the Mobo dead unless anyone else has anything?

Sorry, Z77 ASrock Extreme4

The ram is G.SKILL Ripjaws Z Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 2400 (PC3 19200) Desktop Memory Model F3-2400C10D-8GZH

I just find it weird that it won't at least do something. Like have the fan's spin for a second or atleast give me some beep code. I don't know, I'm new at all this though. I appreciate your help.
I would think that motherboard LEDs would light up regardless of which OEM Z77 motherboard BIOS was loaded (or not loaded). The basic motherboard. electrical connections have to be in place before a BIOS can be loaded in the first place. The power supply tested OK. Did the motherboard power cables checkout OK as well? Because if they are providing power to the motherboard and processor (and there are no "sign of life"), it is logical to assume that the motherboard is faulty.

You mentioned no beeps, so I am assuming that you have a working case speaker.

Yes, the CPU and Motherboard cables are both properly connected. Sadly, I bought this on Ebay from and individual so I'm not sure if I will be able to get my money back on it.

Yes, I specifically tested the motherboard and cpu cables and my equipment showed that they work fine. I was both disapointed (wanted to find a problem) and happy (since I have nice, expensive PSU) to find all the cables on the PSU worked properly.

I did have the HD speaker cable from the case plugged in.

Yeah, all I can think of is that the MOBO must be dead. I can't think of another way to confirm it at this point other than buying another motherboard sadly. My fear is that I personally made a mistake and that I will buy another MOBO and it still not work because there was another issue I never identified.
If you bought it through ebay and paid though paypay you should be covered through buyer protection. I'd message the seller first as that will be the easiest way to get your money back and they probably won't want the bad rep from selling bad items. If they refuse you can take it further.