New PC Build - Reviews Desperately Needed

Mr Evasive

Dec 6, 2014
Hello everyone. :) I have three potential builds that need some serious looking over. I’m open to any and all opinions, so please feel free to critique away. 😀

I also have some questions, in no particular order, that I would love answered.

1. Windows 10 Home or Pro? (64bit only or 32/64bit)

2. Do I wait for Volta or purchase a 1080ti now?

3. Which optical drive should I purchase?

4. Recommendation on the best HDD. (2TB or 3TB)

5. 32GB RAM instead of 16GB RAM for headroom with gaming and streaming?

Thanks a lot guys/gals! I really appreciate it very much.
1080ti is truly great cardI have mine watercooled and 2037mhz/12000mhz OCed,pulls around 75FPS on 4K!(witcher III,CIV VI,Tomb Rider,Hitman)-max settings.
In my opinion next gen volta wont give you a 50% boost in performance nor it will hit the shelves next year(cuz there is no competition for even this model)
Evo 960 1 TB-I posses two of them,best buy decision ever!
Avoid HDD at all cost.
Third option all the way,just upgrade that 250GB Nvme to 1 TB.and you're all set.Great case for air or watercooling,great mobo,great CPU,and personally if there is some money left,buy 1080ti!you won't regret!
1. Windows 10 Home is perfectly fine for most people. Windows 10 Pro allows you to join domains, use bitlocker and use remote desktop.

2. Personally I'm waiting for Volta, im hearing anywhere from 50% to 100% higher performance than current cards.

3. I bought a blu-ray drive for my computer when I built it in 2014 and have never used it. The biggest question is do you want a blu-ray reader or a burner. 50 gigabyte+ flash drives aren't that expensive and are much more durable and faster than a flash drive.

4. The size of your hard drive depends on what you intend to put on them. I use 1 terabyte ssd for all my games and Windows and a 16 terabyte raid 5 for my movies and music. When I build my next computer I will probably opt for a 2 terabyte ssd as my game/OS drive. Either an 960 Pro or Optane if Optane has reached multi-terabyte status by then.

5. Ram is cheap. You might as well go for 32 gigabytes. What's an extra $150 on your ram when your graphics card is $700+.
If I need to to open 40 tabs in firefox while playing WoW and multiboxing in Eve, i know my ram won't be an issue.
Your builds are bit a varied. One has a GPU others don't. One has a 650w PSU the others 850w and your HDD choices are all over the place as well.

1. You'll need a 64bit OS. Home vs Pro doesn't really matter to most users. Whichever is the cheaper. If you have a Win 7 OS you could still use it to upgrade a new build to Win 10 for free.

2. Hard one to call. The 1080ti is a fantastic card for current gaming needs.

3. Do you need an optical drive these days? USB flash memory is so cheap.

4. One of your builds has a 6Tb drive. You obviously feel the need for plenty of storage but it's really only you that knows how much you actually need. Don't forget you can add more later if you need.

5. 16Gb would be enough but if your streaming etc then I'd probably go with 32Gb of 3200mhz ram.
16gb of ram is fine for gaming and streaming. No issues there.

The 1080ti came as the last planned card in pascal. So you can expect the 2080ti or 1180ti at a much later stage. If you want, u can go for the evga ftw3 iCX since evga offers the upgrade plan when the next gen comes.

I just came up with a high end rig, including a monitor :

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7GHz 6-Core Processor ($404.00 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Corsair - H110i 113.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($110.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - Z370 AORUS Gaming 5 (rev. 1.0) ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($186.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance RGB 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($229.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung - 960 EVO 500GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($240.00 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.99 @ Amazon)
Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB AORUS Xtreme Edition 11G Video Card ($785.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Cooler Master - MasterCase Maker 5 ATX Mid Tower Case ($125.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair - RMx 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($85.98 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($89.89 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: Corsair - ML140 PRO RGB (2 pack w/Lightning Node PRO) 55.4 CFM 140mm Fans ($80.53 @ Amazon)
Monitor: AOC - AG352UCG 35.0" 3440x1440 100Hz Monitor ($899.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $3360.30
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-12-18 03:08 EST-0500
1080ti is truly great cardI have mine watercooled and 2037mhz/12000mhz OCed,pulls around 75FPS on 4K!(witcher III,CIV VI,Tomb Rider,Hitman)-max settings.
In my opinion next gen volta wont give you a 50% boost in performance nor it will hit the shelves next year(cuz there is no competition for even this model)
Evo 960 1 TB-I posses two of them,best buy decision ever!
Avoid HDD at all cost.
Third option all the way,just upgrade that 250GB Nvme to 1 TB.and you're all set.Great case for air or watercooling,great mobo,great CPU,and personally if there is some money left,buy 1080ti!you won't regret!
Question from Mr Evasive : "New PC Build Ideas"

Performance will be same. But if you want bling factor, you can get the Maximus code. It has a better sound codec and reinforced expansion slots as well as couple of extra handy features. That is the only change i can suggest.