New PC Build?


Apr 22, 2015
Hey guys! So i am building my new pc and i only have a few parts left, so far ive purchased a CPU (i7 4790k) a GPU (MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4gb) and 16gb ram. Now all i need is a motherboard,case.psu, and storage. Ive already spent about $700 for those 3 parts and i want to keep this build around $900-$950. Could anybody here help with getting those 4 parts for around that price?
oh and also do i NEED to purchase a CPU cooler if im not overclocking?
You don't have to get a cooler but it's still better to get one if you can, while you are putting everything together, rather than having to take it apart and put it back together again, clean the thermal paste off , etc... The aftermarket coolers keep it cooler and quieter for around $30.

You will be pushing it for $250 for those unless you don't care about case and just pick one in the $50-$60 range.

This leaves you about $50 or so for case.

I have this motherboard in mine now, it was a stopgap but it actually works really good and is good quality so I'll probably keep it for awhile. Reviews say the h97 doesn't overclock but these people just don't know how. I have an i7-4790K and a good stable 4.6GHZ overclock under 1.3v...
if you have a local micro center look at the asus ar mb (133.00) if you got the cpu and mb the mb would been 119.00 as a combo deal. they have the r100 case for 37.00 and the cosair speacial ops in red and blue for under 50.00 when there on sale. look online with parts picker for the evga 750 model b2 power supply it should when there onsale be around 60.00. a 1tb hard should be 40-50 price range with shipping.
Cases can be where you can either make or break your budget.

You could buy one of those $18 cases and regret it for the rest of the time you own your PC.

Or you could spend a few hundred dollars and get one of those decked out cases that ruins your budget.

There are several cases that I've checked out for less than $40 that are great full cases with awesome cable management.

My personal recommendation is Deep Cool's Tesseract BF.

It's sleek, it's functional, it has everything a case needs and not a lot of extras. But if you like the extras, you could always get the SW with lights and a glass wall.

As for power supplies, I would recommend going with a very well known name brand and avoiding ones that are cheap and offer a high wattage.

Go with brands like Antec, EVGA, Corsair, and even CoolerMaster.

If you plan on using SLI I would recommend a beefy power supply of at least 750w, but if you're only up for one GPU then you can save here, too. The GTX 970 is incredibly efficient and doesn't require a great deal of power. (But it's always good to have some headroom just in case.)

As for a motherboard, that's a tough one. Assuming you got the K series CPU for overclocking, I would go with the ASUS H97I-PLUS for around $100. It's a solid board and allows for overclocking.

Case - $33
Power Supply - $75
Motherboard - $100
You don't have to get a cooler but it's still better to get one if you can, while you are putting everything together, rather than having to take it apart and put it back together again, clean the thermal paste off , etc... The aftermarket coolers keep it cooler and quieter for around $30.

You will be pushing it for $250 for those unless you don't care about case and just pick one in the $50-$60 range.

This leaves you about $50 or so for case.

I have this motherboard in mine now, it was a stopgap but it actually works really good and is good quality so I'll probably keep it for awhile. Reviews say the h97 doesn't overclock but these people just don't know how. I have an i7-4790K and a good stable 4.6GHZ overclock under 1.3v on it now and have been up to 4.8 ghz stable but it's higher voltage I don't like.

Asus H97 pro gamer----$105

WD Blue 1tb HDD $53

EVGA 500 watt B...the B is a decent power supply, there's a 600 watt evga B for ten bucks more---$50

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Motherboard: ASRock Z97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($82.98 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($50.89 @ OutletPC)
Case: NZXT Source 210 (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case ($32.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($39.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $206.85
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-06 00:57 EDT-0400

And no, you don't need to get an aftermarket cpu cooler if you run the cpu stock.

Ok thanks everyone! So i think ill be getting this:
Deepcool Tesseract SW Case: $40
1TB Western Digital: $50
EVGA 600 B 80 PLUS BRONZE: $60
ASUS H97I-PLUS LGA 1150: $100
this all comes to about $250 (which is fine!)
does everyone think this is good?
PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

Motherboard: ASRock Z97 Extreme3 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($85.98 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($50.89 @ OutletPC)
Case: Corsair 100R ATX Mid Tower Case ($39.99 @ Micro Center)
Power Supply: XFX Core Edition 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($49.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $226.84
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-06 01:26 EDT-0400

the mb you picked out is itx min size it not made for gaming unless your looking for micro sized pc. the mb wont do sli or crossfire. the z97 full size will if you want to toss in another 970 latter on.
xfx is a sesonic one of the top of the line power supply vendor. again with a gaming build it better to have a slightly higher wattage power supply. under gaming load if the 12v line gets close to the max output of the power supply your rig could lock up or reboot when gaming.

i found a XFX Core Edition PRO750W for $80 which i could deal, is that any good?

Yes, I have xfx core pro 650 and it's quiet and good and am running a 980 TI on it just fine, plenty of power. It's basically seasonic parts.

just found an EVGA 80 PLUS GOLD 650 W for the same price, its a 100w lower but its a higher tier rating than the XFX 750w which is bronze. Any thoughts?

If it's a n evga G2, they are about the same. I think it's a toss up. I almost bought that evga but then in the end opted to do the xfx, even though it is bronze.

The G2 is also ten year warranty and modular, so you may want that. I have a power supply shroud on my case so it covers up the power supply and cables in the window so it didn't matter. I just know seasonic is the best and even though the evga g2 series is right there, I just went with my gut, which said xfx.