New PC Build


Sep 25, 2017
Hey guys.

Im currently in the market on building a new gaming rig, and just want a little bit of input.

So far I've got an Intel I5-7600k, MSI Z270-Atx MOBO on the way, and going to be getting ~ ddr4 16gb ram

I'm currently running a POS sata 2 gigabyte mobo with an AMD FX-4100.

How much of a difference will I be seeing/should expect switching to Intel from AMD and also SATA 2 to SATA 3 MOBO, and also how much smoother will gaming be - (even though I'm still using an ancient 770 lol).

Thanks in advance.

TL;DR Switching from AMD to Intel, want some input on the changes I'll be seeing.
Didn't state that very well haha. I'm currently running a NVIDIA GTX 770 4gb, but won't be running another one quite yet because I'm not in the right budget for one yet.
Mostly just play CS:GO and PUBG. Thats pretty much it. Will be getting a new GPU in the near future though.

Kinda just wanna know how much of an improvement I'll be seeing day to day switching from amd to Intel, and also SATA 2 to SATA 3 whereas this is my first build.