New PC - Can I use my laptop's OS on the new PC?


May 21, 2012
Due to budget restraints, I can't buy the full PC build that I want AND an OS.

I know it's weird, but there's a deal going on that literally takes everything and doesn't leave $100 for the OS.

Is there a way to transfer the OS of my laptop to my new PC?

If there's not a direct file transfer way, can I just hook my laptop hard drive into my new PC?

Thanks for any responses! 😀
Hello Semune,

Most laptop OS installs are OEM, which means the Windows Key is tied to the Laptop's motherboard.

If you try and use the laptops OS on a new machine Windows will flag the key as invalid. The best thing to do would be to contact Microsoft Support and see if they will let you re-use your laptop's OS on another machine, but they very well might not.

You will most likely need to save up for a new copy of Microsoft Windows.
Hello Semune,

Most laptop OS installs are OEM, which means the Windows Key is tied to the Laptop's motherboard.

If you try and use the laptops OS on a new machine Windows will flag the key as invalid. The best thing to do would be to contact Microsoft Support and see if they will let you re-use your laptop's OS on another machine, but they very well might not.

You will most likely need to save up for a new copy of Microsoft Windows.
No you cannot.
1. That laptop OS license is tied to that laptop/motherboard. Period.

2. No, you can't just pop the laptop drive in the PC and expect it to work. It won't.

Your new PC needs its own OS. That's part of the budget. You didn't cheap out on the CPU, did you?