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"Eric Hunter" <hunter90@comcast.not> writes:
>Jim Burgess wrote:
>> Can you give us an idea, I did not wander around the
>> forums further. Maybe I just don't know how to look.
>Well, the design team is not revealing anything at this
>point, but the team does include a 3-D artist, and
>based on what the people who are fans of their other
>games say, the company specializes in "real-time"
>combat games, rather than turn-based strategy games.
Yes, I see that, and in looking further it is clear that they
intend to try to "change" the options in the game in substantial
ways, operating in real time.
>There were a lot of people saying, "People won't pay
>$40 for a straight port of the board game to the PC,
>when they can play for free on the 'net".
Indeed, it is the question: is there are market for TRUE
real time play of Dip on the web? I'm not sure that there
is, not with the length of time required. SO expect simple
"short versions" of the game that keep "the feel of hanging
out with promises". Reading some of the other things I
found, they are going to make it MORE like Survivor....
at least as an OPTION. It sounds like they are biting off
WAY, WAY, WAY more than they can chew. And they will
(like Hasbro) deliver reasonably close to on time.....
so I'm concerned, I'm with you now Eric.....
>> It seems we COULD try to tell them things (they
>> have been asking, what would you ask them, Eric?
>1) Make sure the game includes a straight port of
> the board game. If they want to include a variant
> based on their other games, fine, but if it doesn't
> have a port of the board game, we're not going
> to buy it.
>2) Make sure the adjudicator follows all the rules.
>3) Make the AI "intelligent" enough to avoid things
> like EF Nth-Nwy, EF Nrg-Nwy (*bounce*).
At a minimum, and they need to recognize that the AI
is MUCH harder than they imagine.
>4) The ability to save a game in progress, and resume
> it at a later time, perhaps with replacement players,
> would be handy.