new PC going to 82C when gaming.


Dec 14, 2015
Hello ,

So I have this really weird issue going with my PC , i recently received my new alienware x51 r3 build and when I play games like H1Z1 , my GPU tempreture goes up to 82C, so I was wondering if that is really too much for this GPU as i read some of the topics somewhere that I should be getting around 69C max, but i get 82C , So I Thought maybe this is only for H1z1 so i done DELL test on the GPU and the tempretures were the same, after that I recorded the tempretures with msi after burner, with csgo it goes up to ~73-75 which is almost the same...
It's a little warm, but still completely normal. Your GPU has a factory preset temperature target of 80c. This is the temperature that it attempts to seek out and maintain. Under that temperature, and it increases its Turbo Boost clocks; above that it dials back the Turbo Boost. Check for the variable called Temp Limit in Afterburner.