New PC GTX 970 - Drivers & Windows 10 - Possible DOA GPU??


Mar 9, 2016
So I just got a new pc with a pre-installed windows 10 for gaming ( i know how bad that is) Out of the box it has issues already relating to windows start up ... it eventually led me to go into safe mode and disable my graphics card GTX 970 in order to properly log in. Any attempt either via windows automatic driver update, enabling the driver, or geforce experience driver installation leads to a black screen with a hdmi, or a bunch of white and black screen flickering until it settles into a all white screen when i use a dvp. I know everything is under warranty but i figured i ask to see if there was something i was missing before i have to send everything back to get fixed. Possibly some mother board drivers? I'm stumped on this one and it sucks. Any help will be appreciated. Ps. Both cables would be attached directly the the gpu and not the motherboard and it works fine as long as the gpu is disabled and what i assume integrated graphics is enabled. PSS when then gpu is enabled and following a restart on the black screen windows fails to start up again with the original error windows/system32/logfiles/srt/srttrail.txt
DP CANNOT DO 144 HZ. if Nvida Control Panel changes it for you please change the Hz to 60. Otherwise whenever you start a game your will get a black screen with sound which you cant escape unless you reboot the computer. You can't ALT+Tab or ALT+CTRL+ Delete to get yourself out.

The only way i was able to fix it was use a hdmi cable to utilize 144hz or just stay at 60 HZ.

Found out there allot of new GPU Cards that may do this when updating drivers via the Nvidia Control Panel. There are probably a whole bunch on this forum that are having the same problem.
I will have to double check on the nvida control panel but I havent even begun to start up any games. Black/white screen at the desktop when ever the gpu is enabled. Pretty odd seeing how the hdmi is running through it...