New pc headset choice


Jul 15, 2014
he guys I'm looking to get a new headset or head phone with a separate headset. Lately I have been looking at the sennheiser 598 as I have been hearing that they are very good for gaming and pic enthusiasts, I also want a mic as I like in game chat communication so I was looking to get a mic but I have no idea how to go by this

I was initially going to get a headset but many people say you don't get the same king of quality with inbuilt mikes as you get with lav mic's in general

Do you guys have any suggestions on head sets/ headphones and if headphone what kind of mic

For mic I was suggested a Sony ECMCS3 But any suggestions on the lines ok mic will also help
Thanks alot
I would rather suggest an all inclusive unit like the Sennheiser PC series : PC363D are the newest flagship of this series and they look as good as they sound, but you could get away with a PC350 or PC360 also I use the PC360 most of the time for gaming, they are very good for music also and I rarely have to switch to my music Sennheiser headphones just because they suffice more than enough.

The reason I say this is the sound quality on these high end gaming headsets are superb and as long as you are not planning on recording a music album you will be more than satisfied with the sound quality of these mics.

Sennheiser are the best in my opinion because they deliver a crisp sound and give you a competitive advantage. When I am...
I would rather suggest an all inclusive unit like the Sennheiser PC series : PC363D are the newest flagship of this series and they look as good as they sound, but you could get away with a PC350 or PC360 also I use the PC360 most of the time for gaming, they are very good for music also and I rarely have to switch to my music Sennheiser headphones just because they suffice more than enough.

The reason I say this is the sound quality on these high end gaming headsets are superb and as long as you are not planning on recording a music album you will be more than satisfied with the sound quality of these mics.

Sennheiser are the best in my opinion because they deliver a crisp sound and give you a competitive advantage. When I am playing Counterstrike comp games and I am spectating my team mates I can hear the enemy before my team mates and I give them heads-up ect. The sound displacement actually makes it easy to determine where the footsteps are coming from and that is but one of the many features I like about them.

Alternatively the Steelseries Siberia V2 and now V3 and Logitec G633, G933 and the old but trusty G930 series headsets are also of top notch quality. I can name around 20 headsets that you can go have a look at but bottom line I would not recommend anything other than Sennheiser PC, Steelseries or Logitech out of a gaming point of view their mic quality together with sound quality is just top notch. You have to keep in mind headsets mics have been their Achilles heel for a long time now and the manufacturers are focusing on that issue at hand with every new model they release.

Unless you like Mad Catz they have a very solid build quality headset also although I can't give any feedback on it as I have never used a MadCatz product.

If you are really not satisfied with the mic quality you can always get one of these later although it will not be needed:

Samson Meteor
Audio Technica ATR series mic ( most of them are fantastic )
Yeti Blue if you want the best of the best

But in conclusion my recommendation is a Sennheiser PC series the PC363D to be exact. You did not list a budget but given the headset you listed you will not mind the price because you obviously like your sound.

Go have a look at it and let me know