New pc, no beep, no signal.


Jan 2, 2015
Gigabyte AM1M-S2H
AMD Athlon x4 5350(integrated graphics card)
RAM 4GB 1600Mhz DDR3
600W PSU
128mb SSD for Windows and 1Tb HDD for storage

Hello everyone, I've got this new hardware, but after wiring everything up, the monitor shows no video and the motherboard doesnt beep(speaker is connected). CPU and cooling fans are also spinning.

I've went throught the whole troubleshooting page, but nothing helped. Monitor is working on another pc, so there shouldnt be any problem with him. Also tried external graphics card, doesnt work.

Does anybody have any suggestion on what should I try next? Tips would be much appreciated. Have a wonderfull day.
P.S. I'm not a native speaker, so sorry for possible errors.
P.P.S. For some reason iPad doesnt allow me to add tags.
Hello, thank you for your quick response.
When I wrote that I went throught troubleshooting page, I ment the one you posted. Sorry, should have been more specific.

I've tried 2x2 gb 1333mhz(dont know name), 2x4 KVR1333D3N9K2/8G and 1x4 HX316C10F/4.