New PC not even POSTing


Nov 13, 2015
Recently my old pc's mobo broke, it served it's time, 6 years i guess. So i bought a new cpu, mobo and ram: FX-8300, GA-970A-UD3P (Rev 2.0), 8GB DDR3 HyperX Fury, respectively. Firstly i hooked everything up expecting it all to work (using the gpu from my old mobo,GeForce 9500 GT) then when i try turning it on nothing happens. Then i open my case take everything out plug in just the mobo, cpu and the stock cooler, and connect it all to my old power supply, thermaltake 400W, and not even the fans move. My first thought was the psu died so i tried 2 more(all of them are old and have 400W but with just the cpu and mobo i think that should suffice) but that changed nothing, so i thought since all of them had 4pin power connectors for the cpu i bought an adapter to 8 pins (even though i think 4 pins are ok, if i'm not overclockin), nothing changed. I plan on giving it back to the store tomorrow if they can fix it/give me my money back. Btw before you ask: i grounded myself before touching the components, i pluged in the 20/24 pin connector to the mobo and the cpu fan connector, and checked for dent pins/capacitors/transistors. So what are your thoughts, should i send it to the store? (Bought it today so i have warranty)
Thanks in advance :)


Nov 13, 2015

I feel as if you didn't even read my whole post. I read that sticky half a year ago, i wouldn't make such mistakes and already checked everything that was there. I was just asking for a speculation/opinion on my problem