
Aug 2, 2007
Here is the issue.

I have put everything together today and when i boot i get "No Signal". I have called EVGA, (i have a 650i T1). They told me to try several things, including the following;

-Take the CMOS battery out for 5 minutes - NO SIGNAL

-Try base components; mobo, CPU and HSF, 1 stick of memory, and a video card - NO SIGNAL

-Try other stick of memory - NO SIGNAL

More details about boot.

I start the pc up all the fans/lights are working, CD/DVD works, HSF is working, mobo light are on. The video card i am using has been in my other computer and working since today. I get no beeps with and without memory.

PC specs.

-EVGA 650i T1 Mobo - New
-Intel E6600 CPU w/stock heatsink and fan. - New
-nVidia GeForce 6500 256 mb Vid. Card (old)
-OZC Gold 2gb 800Mhz - New
-Samsung 320GB HDD - New
-LiteON CD/DVD 20x Combo - New

Any help would be well appreciated. :bounce: