New PC not working (red flashing LED's)

Kenspeckle Grouse

Oct 12, 2013
I have just built my first custom PC and switched it on these are the problems I am getting:

Firstly the d-ram led is flashing red, I have the ram seated in fine and it is compatible with my mobo.

Secondly the VGA - LED is flashing red and again I don't know, I have the power cables plugged in properly.
look at the motherboard serial number the last four numbers are the bios rev of the mb if it low use the usb flash back port and put the newest bios on it.
M5A99FX PRO R2.0 BIOS 2201
1.Improve system stability.
2.Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
try one ram stick and make sure the 8 pin power plug is connected.
try another power supply to rule out a bad unit.
try the video card in another pc.
on my side i am not sure about bios update ... i dont think is the problem
check for the cpu if is well installed and well cooling.. do you put paste on your cpu ?
check the connection of your psu ... you have 2 power connector to plug in mobo
one is cpu power near the cpu ( 4 pins or 8 ) and the 20 pins power go to the big connector on the mobo
check your gpu is pluged depending on wich kind of gpu you have ( pcie connector ) some gpu got 2 connectors to plug in gpu card , one with 6 pins and an other 8 pins