New PC Upgrade

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Dec 30, 2013
I recently bought the Compaq Presario cq5500f. I would like to put a dedicated gpu in it for around $75. Could you find me one please? I don't know which to pick. I want to play games like dayz, arma 2, gmod on med settings getting decent fps. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
first WTF is up with your Tags Dude? -Xbox live??
and there´s no way you´re going to find a 75$ Gpu that can run DayZ at decent Fps The minimum that I´d recomend is a 750ti (that is also in your Tags BTW) but it costs ~150$

PS: Trolls can go F**k off

would I have to get a better power supply? I have a spair 350 wat psu.
GTX 480: Recommended 550W
GTX 285: Also 550W
and for the other GPUs all the recommendations are around 400-500 Watts. So what I suggest is getting a GTX 285 for $50 and then buying like a 500-550 Watt PSU, there actually pretty cheap so dont worry about the price.
Power Supply Recommendation Around $40 at Newegg. you can probably get it cheaper on Ebay
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