new PC with old HDD and windows install


Mar 14, 2014
Hey Guys so I built a new PC: CPU, mobo and RAM I reused GPU and HDD with an install of win7
the PC posts and I can get into the BIOS so I can tell that all components are fine.
but when the PC boots into windows I get a message saying: run windows systemrecovery (something like that its in german for me)
and run windows normaly, if I select the recovery option it says that windows could not restore the systemsettings
and if I run windows normaly I get a blue screen for a few milliseconds and the PC reboots
I´ve never encountered anything like this and I hope there is a simple fix does anyone have any ideas?

Easy? No.

Put it back together with the old hardware so it boots properly.
Save that data to a different drive.
Rebuild with the new hardware, and reinstall.

Or, invent a time machine.
Go back in time before you changed the hardware.
Save your data
Fast forward and reinstall the OS.

haha ok
I just did that infact but thanks anyway
windows is installing now...