NEW PC won't show display


Feb 22, 2017
HI, I've built a new PC today (for the first time).
No matter what I did I am not able to get it to display anything.
I've connected another PC to the screen and DVI cable I'm using to make sure that's not the problem.
I've gone over "PERFORM THESE STEPS before posting about POST/boot/no video problems!" ( and have done most (I can't get a system speaker anywhere and I can't tell if static electricity is the issue).

If it's relevant I had an issue where the PC will turn on, and reset every ~20 seconds (no display showed), taking out and reinstalling the RAM solved that, still no display.
When connecting both parts of the 24 pin connector (the 20 pin and 4 pin) it would not have turned on, disconnecting the 4 pins helped. realizing that's not good enough I've removed the mobo screws, removed it, put it back on and now it will turn on with the 24 pins connected.

Right now I've went back to pure essentials, I have only one stick of RAM connected (to the slot further away from the CPU), 24 pin power connector, 4 pin CPU power connector, power button (not reset), Power led,Using the on board DVI connector (GPU not connected), cpu fan and system fan.
That's it, still shows no display.
Any pointers on what to try next?

CPU Intel® Core™ i7-7700
SSD Intel® SSD 600p 256gb
Mem HyperX Savage 16GB (2 x 8GB)
Case Corsair Obsidian 250D Mini-ITX
CPU Cooler Arctic Alpine 11 Rev.2
GPU Gigabyte GTX 1050 Ti G1 Gaming OC 4GB
PMU Antec 600W VP600P
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-H170N-WIFI
It needs a bios update to support a Kaby Lake. And you cant update it if it cant post

It needs the latest BIOS to support that CPU

Intel Core i7-7700K 4.20GHz 8MB 350 MHz / 1150 MHz KabyLake 14nm B0 91W 100 F20

You were right, I went back to the store who sold it to me, they've updated my BIOS to F20 (for ~20$) and everything works great now