Koffee, you can't use clock speed alone to compare CPUs. Yes, the i5 I recommended is slower, but in a game that's tri-threaded or better, it'll have a good 20-25% better performance over an i3. Hyperthreading is not even close to as useful as you're making it out to be. (Also, ratings on PCpartpicker are, unfortunately, not that reliable. :/ )
The hybrid drives are okay, but you're spending $140 for a drive rather than $55 for a 1TB hard drive and $50 for an 80GB ssd, which might make more sense.
The STRIX 970 has some issues, unfortunately, and should be avoided.
Between my build and jeff baffalo's build, what it really comes down to is where you want to sacrifice. He gives you an SSD, which I don't. It makes general use nicer, but it doesn't affect gaming at all, so I gave it up in order to get you better quality parts overall.
Also, there's a VERY IMPORTANT thing to note about his build... it's actually $70 more than it seems, because PCpartpicker discounts mail in rebates. You are very unlikely to get those, and even if you do, you still have to pay $790 for the whole thing. (Mine has $10 in rebates.)
EDIT: also, koffee, that ram you suggested will be a total waste. It won't affect gaming at all, and I would be very surprised if you could even get it to run at the speeds it's rated for with an i3 and b85 motherboard.