I've been using a custom built PC for a while now, and I've never had an issue with it. Recently, I forgot to clean it out and the PSU got dusty and overheated. I got a new PSU (Thermaltake TR2 430W) and suddenly the display doesn't come on, even though nothing but the PSU has changed. I figured maybe the PSU overheating broke the mobo, so I replaced that with the exact mobo I previously had. Still nothing. I replaced the CPU, still nothing. I've used a voltage tester to confirm that the PSU is outputting, so the PSU isn't a problem. Here's what I've tried so far
- using another graphics card, which does work in another PC
- reseating all components
- unplugging and plugging back in all plugs
- booting with only CPU, PSU, GPU, and one stick of RAM. I only plugged in CPU power, mobo power, GPU power, and the power switch.
- clearing the CMOS
- everything in the "read before" sticky thread
It seems that this would confirm that the CPU, GPU, RAM, and PSU are not the problem. I'm temporarily using another PC and I'm using the same monitor and it works, so the problem also can't be the monitor. I've completely run out of ideas for what to do at this point, anyone know anything else?
PC specs -
CPU: AMD FX-8350
mobo: Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P
GPU: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
PSU: Themaltake TR2 430W
- using another graphics card, which does work in another PC
- reseating all components
- unplugging and plugging back in all plugs
- booting with only CPU, PSU, GPU, and one stick of RAM. I only plugged in CPU power, mobo power, GPU power, and the power switch.
- clearing the CMOS
- everything in the "read before" sticky thread
It seems that this would confirm that the CPU, GPU, RAM, and PSU are not the problem. I'm temporarily using another PC and I'm using the same monitor and it works, so the problem also can't be the monitor. I've completely run out of ideas for what to do at this point, anyone know anything else?
PC specs -
CPU: AMD FX-8350
mobo: Gigabyte GA-970A-DS3P
GPU: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
PSU: Themaltake TR2 430W