I have considered building a new rig that is solely for gaming in the first quarter of 2012 . Apart from gaming i will be using the rig for running autodesk applications . My current rig platform is LGA775 which i found out to be essentially dead with no upgrade path . My budget is around 50000.00INR( that is pretty much equal to US$800 considering computer parts over here come at a premium of nearly 10-20% over their US counterparts and in some case exceeds ). I currently have an ASUS ENGTX460 DirectCU TOP which i intend to SLI later , that would save me some money .
Should i go with an AMD build as i have heard that they are pretty cost effective or should i go with a intel platform ?
Here are the components that i would need : CPU, mobo, RAM, Case, PSU ( considering SLI ), HDD and a 2nd GTX460.
Would I be better off replacing my GTX460 with a new card or run a SLI setup ? What is ma best bet ?
Can you guys give me some suggestions so that i can start saving some money
With regards , Scapegoat_44
Should i go with an AMD build as i have heard that they are pretty cost effective or should i go with a intel platform ?
Here are the components that i would need : CPU, mobo, RAM, Case, PSU ( considering SLI ), HDD and a 2nd GTX460.
Would I be better off replacing my GTX460 with a new card or run a SLI setup ? What is ma best bet ?
Can you guys give me some suggestions so that i can start saving some money
With regards , Scapegoat_44