New rog strix gtx 1060 will get unstable, low 30-40 fps on basic games like minecraft


Dec 9, 2016
Please help!

I recently bought a ROG Strix gtx 1060 6gb and installed minecraft and was expecting to see a minimum of 100fps on a less demanding game such as minecraft but once i entered the game i was getting 30-50 fps with it hitting 60 once and it started dropping as soon as i started moving around. I tried going to the NVIDIA control panel and turning off V-sync but my fps went up to about 60-70 standing still but when i moved it dropped down to 30-40 again fluctuating up and down causing frame skips.I even tried reinstalling all my drivers using DDU and still got nothing.

My specs are:

mobo :MSI 970 gaming
RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB Kit (4GBx2) DDR3
Psu: EVGA 500 W1 80+, 500W Continuous Power
Cpu: AMD FX-8370 Black Edition 8 Core
Storage: WD Blue 1TB Desktop Hard Disk Drive - 7200 RPM

Minecraft isn't a graphics dependent game, any graphics card is able to run Minecraft. It's all up to your CPU. What FPS were you getting before you bought a 1060?

its all solved, i had "slow mode" activated without realizing on my mother board and it was causing bottlenecking but i fixed it.