I recently built my PC and got the Encore 2XN45 PCIe card, and it wouldn't reach my router, which is the basic Wireless G Linksys WRT54G.
Now I've moved the router, which was one room away, maybe 35-50 feet, my Macbook reaches it just fine, into my own room. My PC is doing great now.
So, I'm not sure if I should get a new Wireless N router, http://www.amazon.com/TP-LINK-TL-WR1043ND-Ultimate-Wireless-Detachable/dp/B002YLAUU8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1383700316&sr=8-3&keywords=tp+link+wireless+router
Or should I spend ~$40 on a new PCI card?
We have a lot of computers on our network, 4, sometimes 5. plus xbox and rokus.
I can't keep my router in my own room because it's an inconvenience for my brother, on the other side of the house. It use to be in the middle of the house.
So... New router or new PCIe card?
Also, this is a possible solution, I think. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833381014&Tpk=gamebase
Now I've moved the router, which was one room away, maybe 35-50 feet, my Macbook reaches it just fine, into my own room. My PC is doing great now.
So, I'm not sure if I should get a new Wireless N router, http://www.amazon.com/TP-LINK-TL-WR1043ND-Ultimate-Wireless-Detachable/dp/B002YLAUU8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1383700316&sr=8-3&keywords=tp+link+wireless+router
Or should I spend ~$40 on a new PCI card?
We have a lot of computers on our network, 4, sometimes 5. plus xbox and rokus.
I can't keep my router in my own room because it's an inconvenience for my brother, on the other side of the house. It use to be in the middle of the house.
So... New router or new PCIe card?
Also, this is a possible solution, I think. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833381014&Tpk=gamebase