new RT-AC5300, access point?


Sep 2, 2004
I am with uverse and wanted better wifi so I picked up the Asus it. I did notice some slow bandwidth on the wireless 2.4ghz but once I tried the router as a access point bandwidth doubled..why? Should I use it as a access point? My wife is turned off on the gateway wifi too. I did notice that when I did move over to the router being a AP, I lost some cool features from the RT-AC5300 like QoS and traffic monitoring..odd?

thanks for any help or insight!
If you have your gateway setup as the modem, then you would have to have your AC5300 router in AP mode to work properly. Also, turning off the wifi in the gateway helps since you will no longer have bandwidth cancelling each other out when being broadcast from both routers. You would be much better off just getting a wired modem to replace that gateway, so you don't have to worry about bridging to an AP and losing settings like you mentioned. If you get the modem, it won't have router wifi capabilities and so the asus AC5300 router won't think there is another router it is leeching off of. Hopefully, this makes sense. For that router I would suggest a bare minimum (depends on internet package with your ISP) of the Arris SB6183 or the SB6190. These two are the fastest modems on the market and are great for maximizing high speed cable and fiber internets. I have the 6190 that uses CAT7 cable to talk with my Netgear Nighthawk X6 R8000 router, then I have that LAN'd to an Asus AC3100 router in my office. The Netgear is the main router and the Asus is setup as an AP. All connected with CAT7.
great answer and that makes sense. I'm not sure if I can use a 3rd party modem as I have uverse that runs my tv's and interent...will look into that. Glad to know that I have it set up as a AP and did what you mentioned on the gateway modem from AT&T.