[SOLVED] New RTX 3070 low GPU usage (3-6%) in 1440p gaming. Benchmarks look bad. Help!


Dec 26, 2011

Purchased a new 3070 and fired it up only to find my FPS count was around same as my 2070. Started doing a little digging and I'm finding my CPU at 100% in every game and my GPU at 2-5% in every game. I'm playing 1440P exclusively and testing across a number of games from Cyberpunk, Valhalla, RDR2, etc.

I've found several youtube videos benchmarking their 3070 paired with a Ryzen 5 3600 (Same CPU as me) and running around 100fps on ultra in most games. For example, using the same Ultra settings as the videos, I'm getting 34 fps in Cyberpunk compared to their 80-90.

Something is clearly wrong just can't figure out what it is. When I got the 3070 I did not uninstall and re-install drivers as it said the 2070 are compatible and didn't require. PC does recognize new GPU as well.

I've also run a benchmark and found a lot of components in the red. Thoughts? https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/49710338
his ram runs in single channel
use A2+B2 ram slot for your sticks

enable D.O.C.P or XMP as mentioned above

and 120ns latency also means that ram clock is out of sync with infinity fabric/memory controller
you can check that with zentimings app
MCLK,FCLK,UCLK should be running at same clock



Purchased a new 3070 and fired it up only to find my FPS count was around same as my 2070. Started doing a little digging and I'm finding my CPU at 100% in every game and my GPU at 2-5% in every game. I'm playing 1440P exclusively and testing across a number of games from Cyberpunk, Valhalla, RDR2, etc.
I've found several youtube videos benchmarking their 3070 paired with a Ryzen 5 3600 (Same CPU as me) and running around 100fps on ultra in most games. For example, using the same Ultra settings as the videos, I'm getting 34 fps in Cyberpunk compared to their 80-90.

Something is clearly wrong just can't figure out what it is. When I got the 3070 I did not uninstall and re-install drivers as it said the 2070 are compatible and didn't require. PC does recognize new GPU as well.

I've also run a benchmark and found a lot of components in the red. Thoughts? https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/49710338
Start by enabling the DOCP (AMD XMP) for your RAM. It is running at 2133.
Then re-run userbenchmarks