New Ryzen Build


Oct 24, 2014
Hey everyone,

I wanted to get everyone's feedback on this build I'm putting together. This computer will be my new gaming PC and my current PC will be transitioned into a streaming PC. Therefore, the capture card I added at the bottom of the build will be installed on my old PC. I added it to this build just so I could see the total cost of everything I'll need.

A few reasons I haven't pulled the trigger so far are below:

1. Threadripper is within my budget. Worth it to wait?
2. Should I SLI the 1080ti's? I game at 1440p. If I did get a second card, I would have to move to the Thermaltake Core P5.
3. Do you think I should wait for Vega or Volta or move forward with this?

Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!


Vega RX is supposed to be for gaming IIRC, but I don't think it's capable of competing with the 1080Ti. If you're that interested you might want to wait for benchmarks. The 1080Ti is a safe bet, 100%.

Also Ryzen is still really good for streaming and editing, no reason to upgrade to Threadripper. Threadripper is really good, but I don't think it's worth your money to upgrade.
1. Unless you're going to use 16C/32T for applications, Threadripper isn't worth waiting for. Ryzen might actually outperform it for gaming.
2. 1 1080ti should be just fine for 1440p, different story if you're going to upgrade to 4k. If you're looking at 4k you'll probably need a second 1080ti to run games at 144 fps+
3. Vega and Volta are not gaming level GPUs, and are mostly for rendering and other intensive production applications. 1080ti is the best you can get for gaming.

Good luck!

The M.2 drive you've selected wont work in that board, you need an nvme M.2 drive.

Not sure if its worth going SLi, a 1080ti is a pretty powerful card in its own right on it own.

I was looking forward to Vega, but some reviews ive seen today have put me off, 300w card, I may have a 1kw PSU, but thats still major overkill and overclocking headroom I dont think will be great, if it is, then you could be looking at it potentially being a 400w card on its own.......yikes, thats half of your PSU cabability gone straight away, no way of running crossfired vega cards on PSU less than 1.2kw (1200w)........think i'll grab myself a 1080 instead.
I'll likely be taking the recorded streams and editing them to post on YouTube. Should have mentioned in my OP. Also, I know Vega Frontier is supposed to be for professional use but Vega RX is supposed to be for gaming, right?

Vega RX is supposed to be for gaming IIRC, but I don't think it's capable of competing with the 1080Ti. If you're that interested you might want to wait for benchmarks. The 1080Ti is a safe bet, 100%.

Also Ryzen is still really good for streaming and editing, no reason to upgrade to Threadripper. Threadripper is really good, but I don't think it's worth your money to upgrade.

I originally had the 3200mhz RAM modules in the build but I heard that Ryzen is unstable with that frequency but 3000 mhz was confirmed stable. Thoughts?


Thanks for your feedback. I see you have a 1700x. Happy?

Very. I would be even happier with an 1800x, but beggars can't be choosers. The only problems I have with it is due to the lack of optimization for AMD CPUs in general, but it's slowly getting better as Ryzen is gaining traction in the gaming market. For all your purposes, an 1800x will kick ass.

Here's the problem, with 3000mhz, ive heard a lot of people only getting it to speeds of 2666mhz, especially with all 4 slots filled, it puts a lot more strain on the memory controller, but 3200mhz, ive got all 4 slots filled with Trident Z RGB, 32gb in total, got it at 2933mhz.

Now im running an R7 1700, I guess I got lucky with it, its doing 3.9ghz and has a good memory controller too, the memory controllers are also binned along with the cores, I would guess with the 1800x being the current top of the range it has the best binned cores and memory controller.


Very interesting... I never saw an explanation so that's great info. Thank you!

Awesome! That really puts my mind at ease. Thanks man!