Question New Ryzen system 85C idle

Nov 13, 2020

I just bought a new system, Ryzen 3900x with stock cooler, 64gb Ram 3200, Asus Prime B450 Plus, power supply Corsair 850W. I have a big problem from the get go, the system doesn't boot up. It shuts down after a couple of seconds. The cause is the temperature, already in bios the cpu temperature goes in the red zone. I don't know what to do, I mean I could send it back but it comes from overseas and I can't really affort the time to wait for it. So that would be the last resort.
Any idea what's going on and if I could fix it myself?
Thank you!

I just bought a new system, Ryzen 3900x with stock cooler, 64gb Ram 3200, Asus Prime B450 Plus, power supply Corsair 850W. I have a big problem from the get go, the system doesn't boot up. It shuts down after a couple of seconds. The cause is the temperature, already in bios the cpu temperature goes in the red zone. I don't know what to do, I mean I could send it back but it comes from overseas and I can't really affort the time to wait for it. So that would be the last resort.
Any idea what's going on and if I could fix it myself?
Thank you!
What is your GPU ?
I didn't do anything to the system, just unboxed it and tried to install the OS. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try that. God it will take days I guess, as all non-essential shops here are closed. Any suggestion which brand to buy?
Open the case and visually inspect CPU cooler. Is cooler in plane with motherboard (or slightly tilted)? Is it tight mounted on motherboard (or you can move it " a bit" with your hand)? Is CPU fan connected?

If detaching cooler, applying new paste is always recommended and brand isn't really "that" important (to solve your problem).
Original thermal paste on cooler is quite thick (almost like a glue), so it's not advised to be reused -but still better than nothing, though.
Just for info... at idle, CPU should have about 12-15°C above room temperature.
Indeed, the cooler moves more than just a little, in all directions, including out of the parallel plane to the motherboard.. I will try to find some tutorials about how to clean the CPU
Yeah, probably, it was advertised as stock. No clue what model it is, and I try to find some infos online about how to dismount it, as it has some special own mechanism of sorts
I come a long way with amd cpu's, and everyone I have bought and used the stock cooler I had problems sooner or later.
With my previous amd cpu (fx8350) I bought a liquid cooler, but I ditched it later (cause it stopped working) for a good air cooler.

IF, and I repeat IF, you can afford another 65$ then i would strongly advise you one of the best coolers there is:

This one does an amazing job, and is not that expensive. Also if it doesnt cool enough you can install a second fan on it :)

If this doesnt solve your problem however, I strongly advise to do an RMA for both your motherboard and cpu. Maybe even your PSU, cause it might not give enough power, or too much power to your components, but my first bet will be that either your socket on your motherboard is broken, or that there is something wrong with the CPU itself.

Oh, and by the way, but this is common knowledge, dont forget to apply the correct amount of thermal paste. not to less, but also not too many :)
Just curious.. what Argus CPU cooler model is it?
I think it is the Argus Su-800. Anyways, the company responded, so the system was tested prior to delivery- it comes from Germany btw.- and they also think the cooler got a bit off by the transportation.
Maramsp, thank you, I already consider buying a new cooler. But first I will try dismont and remount this one, to make sure the CPU is not defective.
I think it is the Argus Su-800. Anyways, the company responded, so the system was tested prior to delivery- it comes from Germany btw.- and they also think the cooler got a bit off by the transportation.
Maramsp, thank you, I already consider buying a new cooler. But first I will try dismont and remount this one, to make sure the CPU is not defective.

Since i saw that particular video of Linus, I always refrain from letting my pc being transported by someone else rather then myself. But I understand its not always an option to transport it yourself.
In any case, I really hope that the cpu or the socket is not damaged man. In the worst case scenario the company of whom you bought it can say, it was the transportation company, and the transportation company can say, you have to contact the company of whom you bought it, resulting in an endless loop.
Lets just simply hope that it is nothing, or just the cooler that has to be replaced :)
Btw, if i may ask, at which store did you bought it?
Thanks, I also hope nothing broke. But if the socket or CPU are damaged, then it wouldn't start, I presume, isn't it? I bought it on, so I'm covered anyways, it arrived yesterday. Yeah, to get it myself was not an option, as I live in Belgium and the system comes from Germany.
Yes, that's what the price. A bit less actually

First of all IF you understand dutch, you might considering as your next place of buying pc's. This is THE way to go shop in the netherlands with amazing customer support, good prices, with customers all over europe if I have to believe what the employees say :) Anyways, I'm buying my pc's here for as long as I can remember (which should be for around 12-15 years) and only had 1 error (faulty gpu) which they resolved in a day :)

But about whether the pc would start or not with a defect socket or cpu.. That depends.. Normally you would say no, but with my previous pc, after a while the system did start, but not got booted into windows. But i could come inside the bios. The problem turned out to be the pins on the cpu damaged, which i can explain, cause when building it myself one of the pins got slightly bend. So yes, that was the case, and with a bit of hoping and preying, and letting someone look into it, i managed to get back into windows, but after a while i decided to buy my current pc, which i let assemble by azerty itself. Back then i payed 69 euro for the assembly, but as of today, its 89 euro, but you get 1 year warranty (or more for extra money) good cable management, and just amazing build quality :)

Speaking of the cooler.. Its a scam imo that they did replace it :) Both coolers are not that great, but still the wraith cooler is far better then your current cooler, and the fact that they used a custom assemble system to mount it sucks even more..

In any case, I hope, especially for the money that youve paid all in all, the problem is solved soon :)

Keep us posted on that 😀
So I am writing you from the new system now. YAY! It works. It's still hot- 62C as right now, but at least I know it boots up, seems stable- didn't test any 3D stuff yet, still have to install a ton of stuff for that. But, sure enough, I will replace this cooler asap.
I am buying from because the prices there are very low. I come from Germany, and if I buy there I have 2 years of warranty, by German law. In this particular case i have 3 years of warranty for the system.
If you are idling at 62C then you still have a major issue. You shouldn't run anything stressful until you get those CPU temps under control.
You may want to check the voltage that the CPU is getting. Part of the issue could be that the motherboard is giving it way too much.