New SSD, getting boot error with code 0xc000014c


Feb 27, 2017
I recently purchased a Samsung 850 Evo 250 GB ssd, which i used to replace my old Kingston 128 GB ssd as my boot drive. To do this I cloned the information from my Kingston to the Samsung drive then wiped the Kingston drive to use as extra storage. Everything was working fine for a couple of days, until this morning when I booted it I received a boot error with code 0xc000014c. Currently I am downloading windows to a USB on my other computer to try and use it to repair it, however I don't know if that will work. Are there any other ways I could try fixing this?

UPDATE: I was able to get the drive working again and booting correctly via Windows installer. I used a few commands such as bootrec /fixMbr, bootrec/ fixboot (which, however, did give me access denied), and bootrec /RebuildBcd. I also used bootsect /nt60SYS and bootsect /nt60 ALL. Windows startup repair was NOT able to fix anything however, and all changes had to be made via cmd.

This has worked so far and my computer is fine for now, but I don't know if this will hold up and if this problem will show up again.
What you did should hold up. If I am not mistaken it was the boot record that needed repairing. If you ever reinstall the OS (wipe clean and reinstall) make sure you only have the OS drive attached. This way the boot record will be on the OS drive and not another one.

When I first installed windows I had my kingston ssd as my C: drive and a 1tb hdd as my H: drive. After changing up my drives my final order was the samsung ssd as C:, the kingston as D: and my hdd still as H:. I don't know if that had any affect on my C: drive's ability to boot.
What you did should hold up. If I am not mistaken it was the boot record that needed repairing. If you ever reinstall the OS (wipe clean and reinstall) make sure you only have the OS drive attached. This way the boot record will be on the OS drive and not another one.