New SSD Wont Show Up in Disk Management


Feb 20, 2013
Greeting All,

I just recently swapped out my 80gb Intel SSD for a 240gb Kingston Hyper X SSD but can't get it to show up in My Computer or in Disk Management.

It showed up in Bios and Device Manager right away and also windows picked it up right away and installed the drivers for it but I cannot access it.

Thoughts? :??:


P.S. I have also gone over the sticky on the main HDD forum page with no luck.
Use the SSD software utility that comes with your drive package and see if it appears there. If it does, try to update your firmware driver using that software. Restart your computer and it shall work eventually.

There was no software that came with the disk, I went to their website and all they had was a utility to check the serial number and firmware version of the drive you have installed and the SSD shows up on there.

Also no firmware updates from kingston.

Intel SSD worked fine when swapped over, bios storage was in IDE mode.

I changed it to ACHI to see if that made a difference but nothing changed.
I had the same problem.

The same solution helped for me too. First you have to format the drive. The Microsoft Windows 8 drive manager utility can do this too, but you have to actualy select the drive in the list from the bottom of the screen. It wont be listed along with your other partitions until it is not formatted.

So you have to click on the drive on the BOTTOM part first. Very silly GUI design... First I didn't see that it is even there! :-/