News New Synthetic Superatomic Material is "World's Best Semiconductor"


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Researchers at Columbia University have created a superatomic material that's being lauded as the "world's best semiconductor." Through a surprising twist of physics, it's expected to allow processing (switching) speeds in the femtosecond scale. Here's why it will most likely be a piece of the semiconductors puzzle, not its final shape.

New Synthetic Superatomic Material is "World's Best Semiconductor" : Read more
Obvious solution to the price problem, consider whether a neighbor element on the table can perform the same function, like Technetium.
Obvious solution to the price problem, consider whether a neighbor element on the table can perform the same function, like Technetium.
Let's get to work on germanium semiconductors first. With the exception of thermal conductivity, the rest of their properties are sufficiently better than those of silicon to represent a revolutionary leap.