[New System build] Advice?

Mr Ai

Nov 4, 2007
Okay, so I'm building a new system, here's what I have bought so far.

Antec 900 - case
GA-EP35-DS3P - Mobo
610-700W PCPCS - PSU

Here's what I plan on getting next.

Intel QX9650 - getting from e-bay
8 gigs of http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227267 RAM
For a graphics card either the ATI 4**** series or a 9800 GX2, that is when either of them comes out.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152100 - Hard Drive
And finally for the screen, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824155054 24" screen
Or a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824211010 22" screen

Any ideas?
Also, yes I'm going to use 8 gigs of RAM for mapmaking in Crysis, and RAM is so cheap right now I might as well get 8.
too early to be commenting on most of this build, and if i were you, i'd just wait for nehalem to be splashing out this amount of cash. That said, it's a bad idea to be buying the CPU from Ebay, and a q6600 could get you most of the performance of a 9650 when OCed... for a lot less money
Problem is I don't want to wait for Nehalem. :S, and my dad is paying for it due to me getting good grades/detailing his car 😛. I already have my mobo though ^^^(look above) 🙁.
I could just OC the QX9650 farther than a Q6600, I'm going to OC on air BTW.
Also the I've been looking into the buyers, and they look legit, have you had any bad experiences on e-bay buying processors? Paypal covers up to 1k $. I'm waiting for the HD4**** series to come out from ATI though.
Getting a used high end CPU on Ebay, I would advise against this. You have no way of knowing its history, was it heavily overclocked, has it been run hot or for a long time? Just seems risky to me for the savings over a new one.
you really want to be trusting some writing on the net??? if you're going to do so, then at least do so from newegg or zipzoomfly or soemthing. after all, how long do you think it'll take PayPal to recover your $$$?