New system Build. Worried about the cooler.

Mack Muir

Mar 12, 2013
I am about to get ready start building a new system. But I have a few fears about CPU Cooler that I am looking to get for the build.

These are the parts for the current build.

My fear is will the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO give me enough room to have 4 sticks of ram in this machine.

Mother board



Any help and ideas I can get would be great. Also if anyone have any alternate ideas to the parts I am using in this I would like to get the input too. I have about a week or two before I order the parts.
Yes that could be a problem. Hard to say for sure.

I know this will spark some controversy, but I am leaning towards closed loop water coolers these days.
A Corsair H80i will give you better cooling than the CM Hyper 212 EVO.
It will also not put the stress on the CPU socket that a large air cooler will, and so is less likely to damage your board.
AND... you'll never have to worry about how tall your RAM heatsinks are.
I know 32GB is a little much.. But I am going to be using this machine for video editing, live streaming and recording.

As for the Power supply. I am planning on adding another video card right away, and also wanting to have extra power for anything else that might come along in the future. I guess you could say the idea is to build this thing to last a while. Maybe I could down it a little.

But back to the ram.. Part of me just loves the idea of 32GB of ram. Maybe I am just strange, but I would like this new beast to never break a sweat.

*Edit* :/ I kind of wish GSkill had low profile ram too. I have been using them for years.
All of these sticks may have interference with the Hyper 212 EVO. A simple solution is to adjust the fan side to the top exhaust. Or get the CM Seidon 120 for $30 more or the best solution to go with a value RAM. (RAM without heatsink)

chances are I will pick up the DDR3 1600, but it looks like the Ares 1866 are also low profile. At least according to G.Skill's Website

Also the Seidon is tempting. I'm going to have to check out the pics of he case after work. I just need to find the right place to put the fans on the top. ( I guess I could remove the top fan that is already in the case. )

Thanks for you're help... Also anyone have any good recommendations for an SSD?
I did have one other question. I was looking into alternate power supplies, but I also checked out the calculators that are out there. They keep on going all over the place. Neweggs is saying that I am going to around 900 watts, where outervision is saying I am going to hit 600 watts. A few even went higher.

My question is.. which one should a trust... or should I not trust them at all? I know bigcyco1 already said that the 850 watt PSU would be enough, but still I am so what worried with this build after checking the calculators.
You can calculate your own very well. Unless you are running 6 HDDs in RAID 5, or something really extreme, your total system requirements minus the video cards will never exceed 200W (I usually say 250W for AMD FX-8350 though)

So, you just need to discover the actual draw of your video card(s). Here is a chart that will do that for you

In that chart we see that a single, overclocked 7970 will never pull more than 340W from the 12V rail. So, we add 200W for the rest of the system, and we can conclude that a 520W PSU might be cutting things close, especially if we have aggressively overclocked the GPU and CPU. So, we probably want at least a 600W PSU for your system.

This lines up with a recent TH test system,3407-8.html

A pair of 7970s and an overclocked FX8350 need as much as 750W, making an 850W PSU (with at least 68A of 12V power) pretty much mandatory.

Just keep in mind that peak loads are not normal loads, so what will really be happening is that your overclocked PC will pull something like 400W while gaming, usually.
Yeah. The most I might do with Hard drives is maybe add in another 1TB or higher drive, and maybe upgrade the SSD to something higher.

As for video cards. Even with me recording, and doing stuff like that. I don't think I will need anymore then two, or will use more then two. So going lower on the PSU would save me 50 dollars off the build or something like that..

Now SeaSonic. I am not to familiar with them, but it has been a while since I have had to replace a high end PSU. How would you rate them compared to like the Corsair that I picked? Or what would you recommend.

I feel like such a newb when it comes to power supplies. It is one of the few things where I feel I am not as knowledgeable compared to other parts of building machines. In the past I normally went bigger, because I felt it was safer to have more then what's needed. So I never really looked into what is needed for a system. I just always went big, and highly rated. Kind of ignorant of me I guess.
I know you probably are setup with the amd cpu, but i suggest the i7-3770k for editing/gaming, with 16GB of ram is enough for it, also with 16 GB of ram, you just need the home premium 64 bits, i find your system lacking of a SSD, so i recommend getting one, as for the cpu cooler the hyper 212 evo is a good choice, see here for a recent review/analysis :
For a case, i suggest the Fractal Design Define XL R2 and for a psu, even for two 7970, the XFX 850 Black edition will do, it's a quality psu made by seasonic.
You can find both reviews of the case plus psu here :

Here's what i suggest :

I like that build.. I am kind of set with AMD.. while nothing on this build is set in stone.. I could turn around a scrap it all because I have not ordered the parts yet, but I am an AMD fan.
Don't worry I am not forgetting the SSD. I am planning on getting like 120GB or maybe bigger.

That case is awesome. very tempting too.. All I would have to do is mod it to add THIS. Maybe make it talk to me too.

As for the ram.. yeah.. I know it is a lot for 32GBs, but that is more of a personal choice then anything else. Plus getting windows 7 Pro is no problem.

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